Marsha Chartrand

Michigan environment roundup: Great Lakes water levels could break records

by  Jim Malewitz (Bridge) Bridge Magazine is committed to sharing the best environmental journalism in and around Michigan, an effort called #EnviroReads. In Bridge’s Michigan Environment Watch, we share a roundup of recent stories on the Great Lakes or other issues. If you see a story we should include next time, use the hashtag #EnviroReads […]

 Marsha Chartrand

53rd Annual River Raisin Canoe & Kayak Race results & photos

When you participate in the River Raisin Canoe & Kayak Race, you usually expect to get wet, one way or another. It’s part of the plan. So Sunday’s downpour at the finish line didn’t dampen the spirits of the 100+ participants who paddled about 65 canoes and kayaks down the stretch of the “World’s Crookedest […]

 Marsha Chartrand

2019 Gazebo lineup finalized

There will be eight summer evenings filled with music at the Wurster Park Gazebo as the summer 2019 Gazebo Concert Series begins its 31st year. June 13, 7 pm, will bring Gemini, some of Michigan’s premier children’s performers, to the gazebo. This popular duo has been a perennial favorite at many gazebo concerts in the […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Historical Society needs volunteers!

Submitted by Ann Walton, Manchester Area Historical Society The Manchester Area Historical Society (MAHS) gift shop committee has been hard at work planning items to sell and activities that will generate money for our Society. We find that we are in need of volunteers for specific items and events. If you are able to or […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Alumni invitations in the mail

The invitations for the 142nd annual Manchester High School Alumni Association Banquet have been mailed. The event is scheduled for Saturday, June 15, 2019 at the high school commons. Social hour starts at 5 pm; dinner is 6:30 pm. The cost is $20 per person. If you do not receive an invitation in the mail […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Clinton Summerfest has fun for all

Looking for something to entertain the entire family June 1? You might want to try taking the short drive down to Tate Park in Clinton and visit their Summerfest–you may see a lot of Manchester neighbors there! John Schiel, the co-chair of the antique tractor show at the Summerfest, is a lifelong resident of Bridgewater Township and a graduate […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Local resident wins T-shirt competition

Joy Matthews, a Manchester resident and volunteer at the Community Resource Center of Manchester, designed this year’s canoe race T-shirt in a competition that received numerous entries. “There’s nothing particularly special to say about it,” Joy said simply. “I looked at a nice photograph online to do the drawing, and then added extra details of […]

 Marsha Chartrand

National Bike to School Day

National Bike To School Day was held on Wednesday, May 8, and had great participation from Klager and Riverside students, staff, school board and administration, village representatives, as well as parents and community members. All told, coordinator Kathy O’Mara estimated 80 participants–with 65 student walkers and bikers and 15 or so adults. “This was probably […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Healthy Thoughts for 5 Healthy Towns: Life changes can be hard, but rewarding

by Amy Heydlauff, 5 Healthy Towns CEO On the heels of my recent column about failing forward, Trinh Pifer told me a story about her early life. Many of you know Trinh, the retiring Director of the Chelsea Senior Center. Even those of you outside Chelsea know her through her senior and other outreach efforts […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Letter to the Editor: Where are our Senators?

May 16, 2019 To the Editor: Currently our border with Mexico is under siege from Central and South American citizens who wish to come to America for a better life. It seems that a very small percentage of those seeking sanctuary are legitimate. But they are simply trying to gain access to our system of Social freebees. […]