Marsha Chartrand

Another success for National Walk to School Day

“It takes a village to make things happen,” says Kathy O’Mara, coordinator of the Walk to School program that runs every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from Wurster Park and Chi-Bro Park, encouraging students to walk to Klager and Riverside schools. The group has walked a total of 15 days, as of last Friday, and many […]

 Marsha Chartrand

SRSLY Manchester launches educational campaign

This fall, SRSLY Manchester launched its 2018 Positive Social Norms Campaign, “SRSLY? Check Your Stats,” to reduce feelings of peer pressure by challenging the myth that a majority of teens drink alcohol, use tobacco, smoke marijuana and abuse prescription medications. The campaign is intended to help teens feel less pressure to use drugs or alcohol […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Come enjoy a hayride!

The Freedom Child Care Center is hosting a FREE family hayride, open to the public, starting at 3 pm on Saturday, October 27 at the center, 8753 Pleasant Lake Road. Following the hayride, there will be roasted hot dogs, s’mores, hot drinks, and more to enjoy, with plenty of good fellowship to go along with […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Diubles plan fall fundraiser

The Diuble Family Vision (DFV) Foundation was formed to fight blindness and be able to impact people’s lives for the better; to support research for treatment of cures, provide public awareness, and to promote the well-being of persons with disabilities or those who are underprivileged. Currently, DFV has two main projects for which they are prioritizing funding. First, […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Annual Saline Craft Show coming Nov. 10

The Saline Craft Show, now in its 32nd year, is rated as one of the top 10 shows in Michigan. This annual event, to beheld November 10, is hosted on the grounds of Saline Middle School, 7190 N. Maple Road, Saline from 8 am – 3:30 pm. Again over 260 crafters will showcase their most recent and exceptional […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Homecoming parade to make a return this Friday

It has been several years since Manchester High School has hosted a homecoming parade, but this once-popular tradition is making a comeback on Friday evening, October 12. To top off a very full Spirit Week and prepare for Friday night’s homecoming festivities, the parade will begin at 5 pm at the corner of Main and […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Manchester’s Joe Packard is new County Farm Bureau President

submitted by Kathleen Siler, Washtenaw County Farm Bureau During its September meeting, the Washtenaw County Farm Bureau board of directors elected Joe Packard as county president. Packard succeeds Grant Reiff, who stepped down from the board in September. Joe was born in Midland, Michigan where both of his parents worked for Dow Chemical. When he […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Teen Suicide prevention meeting set

Join us for an informative evening of earning and asking questions about teen suicide, Tuesday, October 30, from 7 to 9 pm at the Sharon United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall, 19890 W. Pleasant Lake Road (corner M52 & Pleasant Lake Roads). The evening’s presenter, Rev. Aaron Kesson, will lead a guided discussion about the many issues […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Soccer team prevails over league rivals, Lenawee Christian

The Manchester High School boys’ soccer team traveled to Lenawee Christian on Thursday October 4, and came home with a hard-fought 3-2 victory. Lenawee had already handed Manchester one of their two league losses this season, so the Dutchmen were looking for revenge. Manchester coach Travis Baker felt confident heading into the matchup. “We knew going into […]

 Marsha Chartrand

National Walk To School Day October 10

Excitement is building as the Manchester Walk to School crew has been getting ready for this week’s event for a month! Three days per week–each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday–walkers from grades K-6 meet at the Wurster Park gazebo at 7:30 am and at Chi-Bro Park at 7:45 am, for a supervised walk to Klager and Riverside […]