Sara Swanson

Senior Newsletter THE TRUMPETER — February 2023

The February 2023 edition of Manchester’s Newsletter for Seniors, THE TRUMPETER, is now available. Download it here: 3. FEB 2023 Trumpeter pgs 1-3 and the calendar here: 4. FEB 2023 Cal pg 4

 Sara Swanson

College enrollments stay down in Michigan. Blame paychecks and the pandemic?

by Mike Wilkinson & Isabel Lohman(Bridge Michigan) College enrollment by last year’s high school graduates is still well below pre-pandemic levels, as 52.8% of the class of 2022 went to college within the six months of graduation, data released Thursday shows. That’s down from an average of 62.9% in the three years preceding the COVID-19 […]

 Sara Swanson

Road salt, a stealthy pollutant, is damaging Michigan waters

by Brett Walton, Circle of Blue  (Bridge Michigan) In a dim hangar outside of Traverse City, towering piles of white crystals cast a glow in the twilight. Salts like those stored at the Grand Traverse County Road Commission maintenance facility keep Michigan roads, parking lots, and sidewalks clear of ice in the winter, a prudent […]

 Sara Swanson

Minimum wage increase set for February blocked by Michigan court

by Paula Gardner & Lauren Gibbons (Bridge Michigan) A panel of Michigan judges on Thursday overturned a lower court’s ruling that would have raised Michigan’s minimum wage rise to $13.03 an hour and increased the tipped minimum wage to $11.73 an hour next month. The Michigan Court of Appeals decision, which took effect immediately, determined […]

 Sara Swanson

$5 radon tests this Thursday at Sharon Township Hall

by Sara Swanson January is National Radon Action Month, meaning it is the perfect time to find out if there is radon in your home. This Thursday between 9am and noon, radon tests will be available at Sharon Township Hall, located at 18010 Pleasant Lake Rd, for $5 each. What is radon? Radon is a […]

 Sara Swanson

December 2022 Senior Student of the Month: Audrey Rentfro

submitted by Manchester Jr/Sr High School Audrey Rentfro was selected as December 2022 Manchester Community Schools Foundation Student of the Month. Audrey is the daughter of Joanne and Ron Rentfro. An active Link Crew leader for the past two years, she was also a member of the National Honor Society during her junior and senior […]

 Sara Swanson

Public notice: Bridgewater Township

BRIDGEWATER TOWNSHIP, WASHTENAW COUNTY, MICHIGAN NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR AN APPLICATION TO AMEND A PREVIOUSLY APPROVED SPECIAL USE PERMIT Notice is hereby given that the Bridgewater Township Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on Monday, February 20, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. in the Township Hall (10990 Clinton Road) to receive comments on an […]

 Sara Swanson

Employment opportunity: CRC hiring Administrative and Volunteer Coordinator

by Sara Swanson Last week we reported in the article introducing Carol Wotring, the recently hired new executive director of the Manchester Community Resource Center (CRC), that the CRC was planning to add a second paid full-time position. They’ve posted the position and asked for our help in spreading the word. Are you looking for […]

 Sara Swanson

Samantha Stockard named to Dean’s List at Belmont University

Samantha Stockard of Manchester qualified for the Fall 2022 Dean’s List at Belmont University. Eligibility is based on a minimum course load of 12 hours and a quality grade point average of 3.5 with no grade below a C. Approximately 52% of Belmont’s 6,792 undergraduate students qualified for the Spring 2022 Dean’s List. Belmont Provost […]

 Sara Swanson

Photos: Snow in the Leonard Preserve

by Sara Swanson It has been a mostly snowless winter so far but Sunday morning Manchester woke up to heavy, wet snow cover. Although the sun wasn’t able to burst through the clouds, it was still a lovely day for a walk in the wintry woods and through the multiple ecosystems of the Leonard Preserve. […]