Sara Swanson

It’s pothole season, and Michigan’s are among the nation’s worst, study finds

by Zahra Ahmad (Bridge Michigan) Some Michigan counties are amid one of the worst pothole seasons in years, pushing road crews to work overtime to make repairs. Substantial rains in February followed by freezing temperatures created a mess on roads. Melting snow and ice seep into pavement, freeze, expand and thaw, then open holes in […]

 Sara Swanson

Michigan Supreme Court weighs whether law bans LGBT discrimination

by Jonathan Oosting (Bridge Michigan) LANSING — The Michigan Supreme Court could soon decide whether the state’s civil-rights law guarantees broad anti-discrimination protections for gay and transgender residents. In a rare move, Democratic Attorney General Dana Nessel personally appeared before the court Wednesday to defend the Michigan Civil Rights Commission, which in 2018 issued an […]

 Sara Swanson

What Michigan can do as global report details ‘closing window’ on climate

by Kelly House (Bridge Michigan) Climate change is irreversibly damaging global ecosystems, economies and human health and wellbeing, according to a landmark report published Monday, and experts say Michigan won’t emerge unscathed. Monday’s report, authored by a team of scientists from around the globe, outlines the risks of continued dependence on fossil fuels, and warns […]

 Sara Swanson

Manchester Jr./Sr. High School 2021/2022 2nd quarter Honor Roll

Manchester Junior/Senior High School will recognize student and academic achievement with Honor Rolls every nine weeks. High Honors = Students with a 4.00 or higher weighted GPA; Honors = Students achieving a 3.0 to 3.99 weighted GPA with no D’s or E’s. Twelfth Grade Bargardi, Anthony R High Honors Beck, Amy C High Honors Beerens, […]

 Sara Swanson

New changes to masking recommendations for schools & community at large

COVID case numbers continue to drop as the Omicron variant wave wanes both in the community, across the county, state, and most of the country. With these changes have come changes in masking recommendations over the past few weeks, with the most recent change coming from the CDC on Friday.  On Friday the Center for […]

 Sara Swanson

Community Bible Church hosting a program – Building a Marriage of Intimacy 

submitted by Community Bible Church  Whether you are single, engaged, married or divorced, we think you will be interested in learning how to tune-up, strengthen, and restore your relationships. A day-long program led by instructors with over 40 years working with over 14,500 people, Don and Becky from Bridge to Life Ministries of Spring Lake, […]

 Sara Swanson

Misleading “Home Warranty Replacement” notice sent to county residents

submitted by Edward R. Golembiewski, Chief Deputy Clerk The Washtenaw County Clerk/Register’s Office is cautioning residents that a misleading postcard claiming to be related to “County Deed Records” is in fact a marketing ploy from an out-of-state company. The postcard, which also includes the text “Property Lienholder,” encourages the recipient to contact a private business […]

 Sara Swanson

March events for all ages at the Manchester District Library

submitted by Quintessa Gallinat, Manchester District Library Manchester District Library (MDL) will offer a variety of events and activities for all ages during March. Tournament of Books March 1-31 Celebrate National Reading Month with a March Madness style Tournament of Books! Our most popular Young Adult, Tween, and Juvenile books are on the ballot, and […]

 Sara Swanson

Photo: Canadian geese on the River Raisin

 Sara Swanson

Rec Soccer is back!

submitted by Tracey Hittle, VP of Recreational Soccer, Manchester Soccer Association The Manchester Soccer Association is thrilled to announce that RECREATIONAL SOCCER is back! The season starts April 9th and runs through June 4th, taking off the weekends of Easter and Memorial Day. There are two co-ed age divisions: U6 (birth years 2016-2017) and U8 […]