Senior Newsletter THE TRUMPETER – November 2019
The November 2019 edition of Manchester’s Newsletter for Seniors, THE TRUMPETER, is now available. Download it here: 11 November 2019 Trumpeter Page 1-3 pdf (2) Download November’s Trumpeter calendar here: NOV 2019 Trumpeter _ Calendar pdf
U.S. high court kills Michigan gerrymandering case ordering new districts
by Riley Beggin (Bridge) The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday formally put to bed a lower court’s order for Michigan lawmakers to redraw gerrymandered state and congressional political district lines. The ruling was no surprise: The Supreme Court decided this summer that federal courts had no place deciding partisan gerrymandering cases, leaving the job to […]
Pure Michigan gets reprieve, but its future is cloudy amid budget showdown
by Jonathan Oosting (Bridge) LANSING – The Pure Michigan tourism advertising campaign will continue through the end of the year – and the brand will live on even longer – despite a funding veto Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer issued amid an ongoing budget dispute with the Republican-led Legislature. The Michigan Strategic Fund, which Whitmer reshaped […]
Anti-gerrymandering group may team with GOP to tackle term limits
by Riley Beggin, Jonathan Oosting (Bridge) LANSING – Efforts to reform Michigan’s decades-old term limits law may produce strange political bedfellows. Voters Not Politicians, the citizen group behind last year’s successful ballot measure to end political gerrymandering, may team with GOP leaders whose party has benefited from some of the most gerrymandered districts in the […]
Is literacy a constitutional right? A Detroit legal case could decide
by Mike Wilkinson (Bridge) The conditions inside some Detroit public schools were horrific: Five textbooks for 28 students in one class. Thirty-seven chairs for 52 students in another. Schools where a third of the teachers were not state-certified to teach. U.S. District Judge Stephen J. Murphy III was appalled. In 2018, he called the allegations […]
MAHS still has vendor spots available for Christmas in the Village
submitted by Liz Polk, MAHS The Manchester Area Historical Society Museum and Gift Shop are going to be open during Christmas in the Village, December 7th, and has decided at this late date to include vendors. We are looking for crafters! We will supply 8 foot tables, available for $10/day. You must be commit to […]
Learn how to plant and maintain healthy trees on your property
The Washtenaw County Conservation District (WCCD) is hosting a workshop on Planting and Maintaining Trees as part of the Backyard Conservation Education Series on Tuesday, October 22nd from 5-6:30 pm. Workshop will be outdoors at 8778 Eiseman Rd, Manchester, MI 48158. Topics will include: site selection and preparation, proper planting techniques, what to look for […]
Healthy Thoughts for 5 Healthy Towns: Hierarchy of needs
by Amy Heydlauff, CEO 5HT A long time ago – 1943 to be exact, Abraham Maslow, a psychologist and ‘humanist,’ developed something called the “hierarchy of needs.” This hierarchy defines what is required for man to thrive and find self-fulfillment. I can’t possibly give it the full attention it deserves. But it is important enough […]
WCSO: Red means stop
from the Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office During the past 10 months the Sheriff’s Office has had an increase in school bus violations, specifically in Western Washtenaw County. The Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office urges ALL Motorists to abide by the Law and Stop when the buses red lights and stop signs are activated. Together, we can […]
WCRC local road work this week
The Washtenaw County Road Commission will be replacing a culvert on Grossman Road in Manchester Township between Sandborn and Austin Roads this coming week. This will result in daytime road closures.