Garden Club needs volunteers for work sessions at KJ House
The recently formed Manchester Area Garden Club needs volunteers to help refurbish the gardens at the Kingsley-Jenter House located at 302 East Main Street, home of the Manchester Area Historical Society. They’ve set up two work sessions to do the digging, raking, and pruning needed. The first is Monday, April 8 from 5 to 8 pm. The second […]
Last fish fry for the year coming up!
submitted by Betty Cummings For those counting, St. Mary Manchester sold 269 drive thru/takeout dinners last Friday, April 5, and 478 dine-in dinners for a total of 747. The door will be open at St. Mary Parish Center from 4:30pm to 7pm one more time this year. Friday, April 12, will be the last fish fry […]
MUMC Spaghetti Dinner
On Sat. April 13 from 5 to 7 pm, the Manchester United Methodist Church’s youth group is hosting a spaghetti dinner to raise funds for their Summer 2019 Mission Trip. The dinner will be held in their fellowship hall, located on the lower level of the church at 501 Ann Arbor Street. They will be serving […]
St. Joseph Mercy Chelsea to offer series of free mental health classes this spring
This spring, St. Joseph Mercy Chelsea will host a “Minding Your Health Series,” which includes three educational programs aimed at improving mental health in the community. These events are free and open to the public. All classes will be held inside the Chelsea Wellness Center, located at 14800 E. Old US Hwy. 12 in Chelsea. […]
WCRC celebrates 100 years
by Washtenaw County Road Commission On April 7, 1919, Washtenaw County voters approved the “Good Roads Proposition,” 9,134 in favor, 2,351 opposed. That means that April 7, 2019 marks the 100th birthday of the Washtenaw County Road Commission. For the next 100 years, the staff at WCRC has been working hard to maintain a safe […]
Obituary: Ethel M. Fahey
Ethel M. Fahey, a long-time resident of Manchester, Michigan and Tucson, Arizona, passed peacefully on Tuesday, March 12th at the age of 86. Born in Manchester, Ethel was an accomplished student, graduating as Valedictorian of the Manchester High School Class of 1950. She went on to obtain a degree from Cleary College, and enjoy a […]
Letter to the Editor: In Response to John Heuser’s letter concerning Tim Walberg
April 1, 2019 To the editor; The American system of checks and balances was established to keep one branch of the Federal Government from over reaching in their powers. The Congress gave the Executive Branch, in this case the President, the power to declare a National Emergency when he deems fit. The Act empowers the […]
Public Notice: Bridgewater Township
BRIDGEWATER TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING SYNOPSIS 4-Apr-19 The regular monthly meeting of the Bridgewater Township Board of Trustees was called to order by Supervisor Fromhart at 7:00 pm. Four board members were present (quorum) with 8 citizens in attendance. Board heard citizen participation. Board approved the 7-Mar-19 meeting minutes as amended. Board approved the […]
With Line 5 tunnel plan halted, next steps may belong to Enbridge Energy
by Jim Malewitz (Bridge) LANSING — The Mackinac Straits Corridor Authority no longer exists — and therefore could not sue Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s administration for halting plans to build a tunnel around Enbridge Energy’s Line 5 oil pipeline. That’s the opinion of Mike Nystrom, who served as chairman of the corridor authority — a body GOP […]
Local farmer sending hay to flood-damaged Nebraska
Manchester farmer John Schiel has a big heart and helps where he can. This weekend he is doing what he can to help with the devastation in Nebraska. And you can help, too. A combination of weather events including significant winter snow fall, warm weather leading to snow melting quickly, and intense downpours produced an […]