Sara Swanson

Groups working to find solutions to gap left by grocery store closure

With the Manchester Market’s impending closure, groups throughout the community are pursuing solutions to provide grocery access to our community. The Manchester Farmers Market Committee is looking into expanding the Farmers Market. One model they are looking at Argus Farm Stop. Argus Farm Stop is an “everyday farmers market.” It is indoors, stocked with locally […]

 Sara Swanson

Update on the Nellie Ackerson Building

Representatives from Manchester area non-profits met earlier this month at the regularly scheduled roundtable. Manchester Community Schools superintendent Nick Steinmetz gave an update on the process to turn the Nellie Ackerson Building, 410 City Road, into a community center. The building which has in the past served all grade levels and as an administrative building […]

 Sara Swanson

Shannon Beeman sworn in as District 3 County Commissioner

Manchester resident Shanon Beeman was sworn in January 10th as Washtenaw’s District 3 County Commissioner, representing the Manchester and Saline areas. Board of Commissioner meetings are held ever other Wednesday at 6:30pm at 220 North Main Street in Ann Arbor. The meetings are recorded and can be watched online at Commissioner Beeman can be reached through email […]

 Sara Swanson

Manchester Area Chamber of Commerce elects new officers

Manchester Area Chamber of Commerce held its first official board meeting of 2019 on January 7th. The board elected the 2019 officers including president: Jennifer Wojtowicz of Proper Property Services, Inc.; vice president: Barry Allen of Manchester Lions Club; treasurer: Tammy Melcher of Old National Bank; secretary: Kathy Dimond of Manchester District Library; and trustees Steve Alber […]

 Sara Swanson

Take your child to the library day

by Tamara Denby, Manchester District Library Grab the kids and bring them to the Manchester District Library Saturday, February 2 for national “Take Your Child to the Library Day.” We have a fun-filled pancake pajama party planned. Ms Karen and Ms Angela will be cooking pancakes and reading stories. And, who knows what other surprises they […]

 Sara Swanson

CRC’s Life Stories social hour

The Community Resource Center (CRC)-hosted, social hour “Life Stories” has four upcoming meetings scheduled. It will be meeting on Tuesday, February 12th, Tuesday March 12th, Tuesday April 9th, and Tuesday May 14th. All meetings will be from 1 – 2 pm in the CRC office at Riverside Intermediate School and facilitated by Kathy Walz, LMSW, the Behavioral Health Navigator from St. […]

 Sara Swanson

Mens Club Ice Skating Party set for Feb 9

The Manchester Mens Club will be holding their Annual Ice Skating Party on Saturday, February 9th at 2 pm. The event is free. The Mens Club will serve hot dogs, fire pits, and hot chocolate for those who attend. Austin Scott of the Mens Club stated that the rink they’ve been preparing in Wurster Park will be […]

 Sara Swanson

Manchester Mirror to now include state news

The Manchester Mirror is pleased to announce that we’re adding a new “state news” section to the Mirror. We understand that in addition to local policies and issues, state-wide policies and issues also affect Manchester residents. Because of this, we believe that in pursuit of an educated and informed Manchester population, we should include articles […]

 Sara Swanson

Whitmer administration changing tone around Michigan marijuana regulation

by Ted Roelofs (Bridge) As Michigan moves toward legal sale of recreational marijuana in 2020, new developments in pot regulation only reinforce expectation the industry will find a more sympathetic ear in Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. The most obvious evidence is her backing of Proposal 1, which state voters approved in November to legalize recreational […]

 Sara Swanson

Michigan cut school funding and school performance plummeted. Coincidence?

(Bridge) Michigan ranks dead last in the nation in school funding growth in the quarter century since Michigan radically changed how it funded public education system, according to a new Michigan State University study. School funding has dropped 18 percent since 1995 when spending is adjusted for inflation, according to the report. Only one other […]