Corn Roast at the Manchester Farmers Market
On September 13th, from 3:30 to 7 pm, the Manchester Farmers Market (located in Chi Bro Park every Thursday afternoon and evening through October) will be giving each Farmers Market attendee complimentary roasted corn on the cob. The corn has been grown by Richard Weisenreder and will be prepared by Dawna Stockwell. Stockwell’s will also […]
Art Kettle opening reception
The Art Kettle, Manchester’s new Community Cultural Center and Artist Residency located at 121 West Main Street, will hold an opening reception this Sunday, September 9th from 1pm to 3pm. This free event will feature food, music and an art show, Manchester Ties, which includes painting, sculpture, ceramics, print making, collage, and mixed media works by local […]
Renovations reveal name from the past
The removal of the Frank’s Place sign as part of their renovations revealed the shadows of the old “Exchange Place” sign underneath. Exchange Place, when owned by Don Limpert in the early 1980s, was like a mini mall with several small offices and businesses, including Jon Hardenbergh’s photography shop and the original Village Hair Forum. […]
Freedom Childcare Center/ Preschool holding open house
Freedom Childcare Center located at 8753 Pleasant Lake Road is hosting an Open House on Thursday, September 13th, from 6:30-8 pm. This open house is for any family seeking quality childcare for children age birth through preschool, as they offer a quality-rated preschool program. For more information call 734-997-9116.
Manchester men invited to audition for Adrian men’s chorus
Chiaroscuro, a community men’s chorus continuing to celebrate its fifth anniversary year, will begin its September membership drive for any men interested in singing with the chorus this season. During rehearsal, guests will join in the singing of four-part men’s choral selections so that they can enjoy and experience the unique sound and camaraderie that […]
Letter to the Editor: DAR to Present Famous Ladies Tea II
August 26, 2018 Good Afternoon, We thought some of your readers might be interested in our Famous Ladies Tea II. The first one was a rousing success. The Lucy Wolcott Barnum Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution will host Famous Ladies Tea II on Sunday, October 14, at 2 p.m. at the Governor […]
Librarian’s corner: Author Louis L’Amour
by Amelia Herron, Manchester District Library The Manchester District Library will be highlighting a different author or topic each week. This week’s author is Louis L’Amour: Louis L’Amour was born in 1908 as the last of seven children. Born with the name, “LaMoore,” L’Amour changed the spelling of his last name when he became a […]
September 2018 gardening advice
by Jennifer Fairfield So, it apparently wasn’t my imagination – we really did have a dry summer. At least, that’s what the National Drought Mitigation Center’s United States Drought Monitor report for Michigan says, and I guess they ought to know! According to these guys, the western part of Washtenaw County is experiencing “moderate drought” […]
Freedom Township emergency planning conference well attended
submitted by Carol Westfall Almost 60 residents, emergency planning experts, energy company and fire department representatives, and township officials, participated in the August 25th safety planning conference held at Freedom Township Hall. Educational presentations and lively discussions filled the 3-hour conference, which was capped off by a walk-around tour to view the extensive modernization now […]
Fun Run at Watkins Lake!
This fall will mark two years since Watkins Lake became Michigan’s 103rd State Park and first joint state park/county nature preserve. Situated in both Norvell Township in Jackson County and Manchester Township in Washtenaw County, it has two large areas of land connected by a disused rail bed that has been converted into a trail. This September, that trail […]