Sara Swanson

Local hunt club donates $5,000 to cancer center fundraiser

On January 20, 2018 the Bullseye Hunt Club held its annual ‘Big Buck Night’ at the Manchester Sportsman Club. The event hosts about 200 area hunters and outdoor enthusiasts. All tickets are sold before the hunting seasons start and successful hunters then have their trophies scored in order to compete for prizes. There are separate categories […]

 Sara Swanson

Wild game dinner raises $2,500 for Michigan Operation Freedom Outdoors

On Saturday February 24, 2018 The Wilderness Connection held its third annual Wild Game Dinner. The Wildness Connection is a group of Christian volunteers with the motto, “Enjoying creation through hunting, camping, fishing and hiking.” Once a year they come together to organize a fund raising event that includes a wild game dinner. This year’s […]

 Sara Swanson

Manchester High School Alumni Update: Jim Hakes, Class of 1989

submitted by Susan Fielder, MHS Alumni Association The Alumni Association contacted former Manchester graduate, Jim Hakes, from the class of 1989. Many alumni remember seeing some of Jim’s drawings from Mrs. Melinda Trout’s art classes. The drawings, three-dimensional, black and white depictions of architecture, were amazing. His classmates remember this left-handed artist with his hand in an […]

 Sara Swanson

Book Donation Day at the Library

The Friends of the Manchester District Library will starting back up their monthly book donation day on Saturday, April 7, from 10 am – noon in the Village Room on the lower level of the library, 912 City Road. Donations will be shelved in the ongoing used book sale, held upstairs in the library. All […]

 Sara Swanson

Manchester dancers to perform in Ballet Chelsea’s Coppélia

Ballet Chelsea is holding its premiere performance of Coppélia on March 23-24, 2018 and Manchester’s Libby Shane, Katie Shane and Samantha Stockard will perform in the production. Audiences of all ages will enjoy this family-friendly, comic tale brought to life through dance and music. Coppélia will be performed in Chelsea, Michigan on March 23 at 7 pm […]

 Sara Swanson

Ten (cheap but fun) spring break staycation ideas!

submitted by Tamara Denby, the Manchester District Library Can’t afford a trip-of-a-lifetime Disney/Cruise/Somewhere-Warm-and-Sunny vacation? Does hearing your kids whine, “There’s nothing to do!”or “I’m bored!” make you want to weep and gnash your teeth? No problem! The Manchester District Library’s staff have dreamed up some fun stay-cation activities that are sure to keep the kids happy […]

 Sara Swanson

Sheriff’s Office stepping up impaired driving enforcement through April

submitted by the Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office The Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office will step up enforcement and be on the lookout for impaired drivers in Washtenaw County, from March 13 through April 2. This time period includes the NCAA basketball tournament, many high school and college spring break periods, and St. Patrick’s Day. Law enforcement […]

 Sara Swanson

Photo: Aiden Barret wins Cub Scout Pack 421 Pinewood Derby

 Sara Swanson

Photo: Hundreds of dirty dishes & daunting stack of pans to be washed after st. Mary’s fish Fry

 Sara Swanson

Letter to the Editor: Grandma’s secret to a long life

March 15th This month I attended a memorial service for my Grandmother, who was closer to 104 than 103 when she died earlier this year. Not surprisingly, all in attendance spoke of her long and satisfying life. Read on, because I believe I may have identified her one secret to a long and meaningful life. […]