Recipes: Decadent Dishes from the Chocolate Potluck
While snow and wind kept some from attending the Chocolate Potluck on Saturday, there was still a good turnout and too many chocolate dishes to count. Here are recipes for 5 of the dishes present. Don’t worry if you missed it this year, the Ladies Society is planning one again next January! Dark Chocolate Orange […]
Area Vietnam War Vetrans Documentary to be Shown in Manchester
by Anne Buckalew In conjunction with Chelsea’s VFW Post 4076, Manchester District Library is showing Rob Coelius’ Video Farm Production documentary Community History Project: Vietnam War. The movie will be shown Saturday, Febrary 8 at 12:30pm in the Village Room. Manchester resident and VFW Commander Harry Pendergrass will be introducing the film. Refreshments will be served, and all are […]
Manchester Civic Club – In Search of New Members
The Manchester Civic Club is in search of new members. The Civic Club is a service organization focusing on the youth of our community. It is an outgrowth of The Optimist Club that was established in Manchester in the 1950’s. They sponsor local groups and events both monetarily and with man-hours, some of which include: […]
Chocolate Potluck Scheduled for Saturday
The Manchester Ladies Society is hosting an all-chocolate potluck this Saturday, January 25, at 1pm at the Manchester United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall. The potluck is for all of the women in the community, and is free. Bring your mother, your daughter, your granddaughter. MLS asks that you bring a dish to pass with chocolate […]
Friends of the Library Planning for Millage Renewal and Halloween
The Manchester Friends of the Library group met Wednesday night with James Miller, the library director, and Matthew Cook, a library trustee, to begin planning for this fall’s library millage renewal. The millage renewal, which is not a tax increase, will determine whether the library stays open or closes permanently. The millage renewal will be […]
Recipe: Parsnip Muffins
Looking for something new for breakfast? Tired of boring old blueberry muffins? Looking for something to do with those parsnips in the back of your fridge? Here is a brand new recipe invented this week to go with hot peppermint chocolate tea after playing outside in the snow with the kids (actually, mostly shoveling the […]
The Ann Arbor Chronicle | Column: Christmas Fire
Dave Askins of The Ann Arbor Chronicle has been reading The Mirror, and drawing inspiration from it. Check out his column after the jump! In Manchester, Michigan – a village in the corner of Washtenaw County, about 25 miles southwest of Ann Arbor – electric Christmas light displays coexist peacefully with candles. This year […]
Snow Ice Cream
For my kids, snow ice cream is associated as closely with snowy days as hot chocolate is. The most important ingredient for snow ice cream is a large amount of new-fallen snow. Thanks to this Saturday’s weather, and to the delight of my kids, we had more than enough to make it this weekend! The snow […]
Children’s Art from Shandong, China on Display at Library
editor’s note: The art will be leaving this week. They are huge, colorful, originals and should be seen in person to be fully appreciated. Some of the photos below are close-ups of small sections of the work because of the size of the art. by Anne Buckalew On loan to the Manchester District Library from […]
Forgiveness Program at the Manchester District Library
On December 10th at 6:30 pm Manchester’s own Lorri Coburn will be presenting a program called Flight, Fight or Forgiveness: How to Choose Forgiveness for Mental and Physical Health at the Manchester District Library. It will run an hour to an hour and a half and will be informal and somewhat shaped by the needs […]