Klager Talent Show Rescheduled for THIS Wednesday (with Photo Preview)
The Klager talent show, originally scheduled for last Wednesday but postponed because of the snow storm, has been rescheduled for Wednesday, March 2nd, 2016 at 6:30pm. It is FREE and open to the public. Twenty-four acts will sing, dance, jump-rope, hula-hoop, play musical instruments, and demonstrate a workout routine. The performers held their dress rehearsal […]
First Book Donation Day of the Year at the Library
The Friends of the Manchester District Library will hold the first book donation day of 2016 on Saturday, March 5 from 10 am to noon in the Village Room. Book donations are added to the ongoing used book sale, held upstairs in the library. All proceeds support library projects.
Prom Dresses Modeled in Anticipation of Free Prom Dress Boutique
Last Saturday, eight Manchester High School juniors from Ambassador Girl Scout Troop 41545 modeled twenty-four elegant prom dresses at the Manchester Ladies Society Afternoon Tea and Prom Dress Fashion Show. As one attendee stated, “The food was wonderful, the tea was delicious, and the atmosphere was charming!” The tea was catered by Jessica Bushaw from […]
Register Now for the Manchester Moonlight Mile
March 12th, kick off Spring sports, support Manchester varsity track, and enjoy physical activity with your whole family. The Manchester Moonlight Mile is a fun fundraiser, held under the bright lights of the high school track, where kids as young as kindergarten can participate. K-3rd students will run a timed 800m. All other participants will […]
Roast Beef Dinner THIS Wednesday
The Emanuel United Church of Christ located at at 324 West Main Street will host a community Roast Beef Dinner on Wednesday, February 17 from 4:30 to 7 pm (or until the food runs out!) The meal will have roast beef, mashed potatoes and gravy, southern green beans, jello salad, rolls, butter, and dessert! You […]
Adult Indoor Soccer Team Wants You!
The Manchester Wellness Center is a great place to work off winter weight. But if competition is more your exercise style Jeff Sangster and Chris Ray have a solution for you. Not content with just coaching soccer, they are forming an indoor, co-ed, adult soccer team. Under the speculative name “Old Hits and Some Mrs”, […]
Lenawee County 4-H Auction
Situated equally between Washtenaw, Jackson & Lenawee County headquarters, Manchester area kids have options when choosing where to participate in 4-H. Five Manchester area families currently participate in Lenawee County 4-H which is asking for the support of the Manchester community at its annual 4-H Council Auction to be held Sunday March 20th, 2016 at the […]
Relay For Life 2016 to Kick Off in March with “A Taste of Manchester”
Manchester’s sixth annual Relay For Life is set for June 18, 2016. Each year, more than 4 million people in 20 countries raise much-needed funds and awareness to save lives from cancer through the Relay For Life movement. During a Relay event, participants and survivors celebrate what they’ve overcome, remember people lost to the disease, […]