Interested in Manchester Getting Public Transportation?
The Washtenaw Area Transportation Study is hosting a series of open house meetings to discuss two ongoing planning efforts: The WATS Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), which identifies projects to receive federal transportation funds over the next four years The Washtenaw County Coordinated Plan – a document that guides the use of federal funds dedicated to […]
Breakfast with the Easter Bunny March 26th
The kids with the most eggs in their baskets at Carr Park know the best preparation for egg hunting is an all-you-can-eat pancake breakfast. On Saturday March 26th, from 10 am to noon, the Manchester Sportsman Club and Sidearm Defense Training, LLC are hosting the 4th annual Breakfast with the Easter Bunny and will be serving up […]
Manchester Science Olympiad Team Recruiting 2nd – 5th Graders
The Manchester Science Olympiad Team is looking for kids in 2nd – 5th grade interested in the topics of: Electricity, Paper airplanes, Outer space, Building Bridges, Disease, or Rockets! Not only will students learn more about the world around them and make friends, but they will compete against other schools at a large competition held at Pioneer High School in Ann […]
Tickets on Sale for the Annual Afternoon Tea & Prom Dress Fashion Show
Tickets are now on sale ($10 for adults $5 for kids) for the Manchester Ladies Society second annual Afternoon Tea and Prom Dress Fashion Show. Held at the Manchester United Methodist Church on Saturday February 20th at 2pm, the Ladies Society is hosting a cheery afternoon of tea, finger sandwiches, scones, and fashion in anticipation […]
Dance, Manchester!’s February Contra Dance
Curious about what contra dance looks like? Click HERE to watch video of Manchester, Dance!’s January dance.