Upcoming Events

 Sara Swanson

FREE Showing of Despicable Me this Friday!

 Sara Swanson

Free Stress Reduction Class Begins Nov. 11

 Sara Swanson

Presentation Aimed at Caregivers of Aging Parents

  Check out the profile of Breeda Miller we ran last week HERE.

 Sara Swanson

Sharon United Methodist Holiday Craft Show

Sharon United Methodist Church is hosting a holiday craft show in connection with Christmas in the Village in Manchester on November 22. They will have 35+ vendors with a wide variety of handmade items for sale. The Craft Show will run from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Lunch will also be available from 11am to 1pm. They are […]

 Sara Swanson

MHS Drama Club to Present “Almost Maine” November 8th & 9th

On November 8th and 9th the Manchester High School Drama Club will present their first ever student-led production. The play, chosen by the Drama Club officers, is John Cariani’s “Almost, Maine”, a charming picture of love and relationships.  Show times are Saturday, November 8th at 7pm and Sunday, November 9th at 2pm. Tickets are $8 for […]

 Sara Swanson

American Legion Auxiliary Plans Veterans Day Potluck

In honor of the men and women who have served the United States through military service, American Legion Auxiliary Unit 117 will join fellow ALA members across the country in celebrating their dedication and sacrifice at a potluck dinner on Sunday November 9, 2014. The dinner will be held at 1:00 PM at the Old Legion […]

 Sara Swanson

Swiss Steak Dinner to Benefit Sharon United Methodist

The Sharon United Methodist Church located at the corner of M-52 and Pleasant Lake Road will be holding their Swiss Steak Dinner Saturday, November 1 from 5 – 7pm. Just $10 for adults and kids ages 13 & up, and $7 for kids ages 5 – 12 (4 & under are free) will get one […]

 Sara Swanson

“Star Party” at the Library – Astronomy Event for All Ages

by Anne Buckalew This time of year, staying up late isn’t required to get a good look at the stars. Everyone is invited to the Manchester District Library’s Star Party on Monday, October 27, at 6:30pm. Local astronomer Clay Kessler will bring his high powered telescope, help you focus on the moon, and find neat things like […]

 Sara Swanson

Oktoberfest Fundraiser Planned to Fight Blindness

Many people around the state and country are now familiar with young Lilly Diuble’s struggle, thanks to NBC Nightly News’ coverage of her national award for volunteerism and her family’s trip to San Francisco. As part of their fundraising efforts in support of a cure, Lilly’s Friends are holding an Oktoberfest party on November 22 to benefit their team […]

 Ray Berg

Annual Halloween Caramel Apple Event To Be Held Friday October 31 

The Manchester Area Chamber of Commerce, the Manchester Civic Club, the Manchester Lions Club, and other volunteers are sponsoring the annual Caramel Apple event on the Manchester Mill porch at Main Street and Adrian on Friday, October 31. This free event will run from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM, concurrently with tricker-treating. It consists of […]