
 Marsha Chartrand

It’s always better when we work together

An increasing number of schools, restaurants, business services and many local enterprises have been reduced or totally shuttered under government orders, and others have closed proactively in light of the COVID-19 health crisis. Other businesses have chosen to stay open and try to weather the storm, offering various incentives for customers to utilize their services. […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Photo: Walking to School x60!

 Marsha Chartrand

Alumni Profile: Judy Maassen DeJong (The Netherlands)

Submitted by Paul Heinrich for Manchester High School Alumni Association It’s hard to believe that another year has passed so quickly; the Manchester Alumni Association is getting ready to host the 143rd Alumni Banquet honoring those who will graduate in June and all of those who preceded them. As always, the Association would like to […]

 Sara Swanson

Obituary: Norman Oscar Walz

Norman Oscar Walz, age 87, of Brooklyn (formerly of Manchester), passed away peacefully Saturday, February 22, 2020, with loving family by his side. He was born May 28, 1932, in Jackson, Mich., to Oscar and Daisy Walz. Norm began his legacy at a young age. He served in the Korean War; and became a one-of-a-kind […]

 Sara Swanson

GVSU Fall 2019 Dean’s List

Grand Valley State University announced the names of students who were placed on the dean’s list for the Fall 2019 semester concluding in December. The list includes those students who have maintained a  3.5 grade point average and been enrolled in a minimum of 12 credits. Students from Manchester who were honored for the fall […]

 Sara Swanson

Manchester High School 2nd quarter Honor roll update

Due to a technical issue with the school’s grading software, two students were left off the Manchester High School Honor Roll published last week. Logan Kippnick, a 9th grader, received high honors, and Mason Meyer, an 8th grader received Honors. Good work, Logan and Mason!

 Sara Swanson

Manchester Junior/Senior High School 2019-2020 2nd quarter Honor Roll

Manchester Jr./Sr. High School has announced its honor rolls for the 1st quarter of the 2019 – 2020 school year. Congratulations to all of the students on the honor roll! Manchester Senior High High Honors 12th Grade Alexa, Payton L Ball, Mikayla A Bargardi, Natalie F Baron, Annelise M Blumenauer, Hayley E Blumenauer, Lee D […]

 Sara Swanson

February 2020 Student of the Month, Mikayla Ball

The Manchester Community School Foundation’s February 2020 Manchester Community Schools Foundation Student of the Month for Manchester High School is Mikayla Ball. Mikayla is the daughter of Bud Ball and Kelly Gerlinger. Mikayla is the Vice President Manchester High School National Honor Society and a member of the Link Crew’s mentor program. She has been […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Photo: Marie Knorpp turns 100

 Sara Swanson

Ellen Supers named MiSTEM Region 2 STEM Integration Educator of the Year

Luther C. Klager Elementary School announced last week that first grade teacher Ellen Supers has been named MiSTEM Region 2 STEM Integration Educator of the Year. This award recognizes an educator who primarily teaches outside of traditional STEM-fields and who has a consistent record of integrating STEM-principles and high quality STEM-related experiences for students. In […]

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