
 Marsha Chartrand

Freedom Township draws large turnout at Sept. 18 safety event

submitted by Carol Westfall, Freedom Township resident Nearly 60 residents sat under tents at the Freedom Township Hall on a beautiful September day and listened to 20 local, county, state, and federal safety experts, as well as employees of six pipeline companies, discuss safety issues and answer questions. This event was organized by Freedom Township […]

 Marsha Chartrand

WCSO: August 2021 report of police activity in the Village

During the month of August 2021 there were 153 calls for service. During this time, 82 traffic stops were made resulting in 15 citations. Noteworthy events in Manchester Village during the month include: On August 6, a collaboration deputy responded to the area of E. Austin and City Road for a report of a hit-and-run […]

 Sara Swanson

President of St. Joseph Mercy Chelsea announces retirement in 2022

submitted by St. Joseph Mercy Chelsea After a decade of transformational leadership that has reshaped St. Joseph Mercy Chelsea and the community, hospital President Nancy Graebner-Sundling announced today that she plans to retire in March of next year, capping a 48-year career in health care. A succession planning process has been initiated to ensure a […]

 Marsha Chartrand

5 Healthy Towns Foundation issues request for proposal for regional planning

Submitted by 5 Healthy Towns The 5 Healthy Towns Foundation is accepting proposals for regional interventions that address isolation, food access, and/or physical activity opportunities in the 5 Healthy Towns service area (Chelsea, Dexter, Grass Lake, Manchester, and Stockbridge.) Up to $500,000 will be made available over the next three years to support interventions that […]

 Sara Swanson

WCSO: 3G networks to be decommissioned

from the Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office: The Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office is informing residents that cell phone carriers have begun decommissioning 3G networks. This means your older style 3G models of Tracfones, flip phones, Jitterbugs, etc. will no longer have the ability to make calls, including to 911. Making sure residents are not caught off […]

 Sara Swanson

Video showing unmasked students entering MHS goes viral, drawing national attention

Last Tuesday morning, Manchester Community Schools students and staff returned after the four-day Labor Day weekend with new rules in place after Washtenaw County instituted a county-wide indoor mask mandate for K-12 schools. Before school began for the day, families opposed to masking held a protest in front of the High School as they had […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Making art accessible

Open in the Manchester Mill since February, Danielle Felczak is “super happy to be here,” doing what she most loves to do here in her adopted hometown. “It’s surprisingly delightful,” she says of her new business, Adorned Art Tattoo Collective, and its location overlooking the River Raisin. “I wasn’t sure what to expect, but people […]

 Sara Swanson

Manchester Township Summer Taxes are due on September 14, 2021. 

submitted by Kim Thompson, Manchester Township treasurer Manchester Township 2021 Summer property taxes are due no later than September 14, 2021. After that date, an interest penalty fee will be charged. Payments are posted as received, not the date on which the check is written or postmarked. Many residents have been experiencing slow mail delivery; please […]

 Marsha Chartrand

WCSO warns of new scam affecting Washtenaw residents

The Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office is reminding residents that our office will never contact you demanding payment for an outstanding warrant. If you receive one of these calls it is a scam and you should hang up immediately. Over the last several weeks, the WCSO has received numerous calls for service involving law enforcement impersonation […]

 Sara Swanson

Road work this week

In Freedom Township this week, Esch Road between Altenbrent Road and Pleasant Lake Road, and Steinbach Road between Spies Road and Ellsworth will have daytime closures for limestone resurfacing. Intermittent lane closures for drainage improvements and forestry will continue this week on Washburne Road between Jacob Road and Sharon Hollow Road in Sharon Township. In […]