
 Sara Swanson

Manchester area road work this week

The Washtenaw County Road Commission will be performing road work in 3 of the 4 townships this week. In Freedom Township: Beginning Wednesday, June 16th and running through June 23rd, Pleasant Lake Road between Schneider Road and Steinbach Road will have lane closures for resurfacing. In Manchester Township: Beginning Monday this week, Buss Road between […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Graduating class showered with awards

Graduation is a time of excitement, relief, and anticipation for both seniors and their parents. Though it often seems unlikely that 13 years have passed by in a flash, graduation day officially marks that the time has certainly gone by and those little kindergarteners we shepherded off to school just the other day are now […]

 Sara Swanson

Congratulations Class of 2021!

Manchester High School held its Class of 2021 graduation ceremony Sunday afternoon at 2pm, outdoors in the stadium. The Manchester High School Band played Pomp and Circumstance. The National Anthem was sung by the Manchester High School Choir, directed by Class of 2021 President, Jacob Mann who also gave the Tribute to Parents. High School […]

 Marsha Chartrand

State approves Manchester’s “Social District”

On Friday, the village received approval from the state to establish a social district in downtown Manchester. “Now, we must hustle to get ready,” said Village President Pat Vailliencourt. Before the next DDA meeting on June 16, it is expected that the signage required within the district will be ready for DDA approval, in order […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Water tower painting project nearly complete

  After a seven-week process, Manchester’s water tower is fully repainted and refurbished, ready to continue serving the community for years to come. “The tower itself was constructed in 1968 and has been painted a few times, both inside and out,” said Thomas Thompson, superintendent of the water treatment facility. “According to state inspections, which […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Alumni association awards local scholarships

submitted by Paul Heinrich, Manchester Alumni Association  The Manchester Alumni Association is honored to announce the scholarships for these outstanding students of the Class of 2021. The Alumni scholarships are made possible by the generosity of so many people with a connection to the Manchester community. Because of this, each year we are able to […]

 Marsha Chartrand

St. Louis Center embarks on new direction

Submitted by Joseph Yekulis, PR Director, St. Louis Center Effective June 21, 2021, St. Louis Center (SLC) is embarking on a new strategic direction aligned with Pope St. John Paul II’s “After Us” program; caring for people with intellectual and development disabilities (I/DD) who have aging parents. This idea came to fruition when the St. […]

 Sara Swanson

Board of Commissioners pass racial justice-related resolutions

On June 2nd the Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners approved a budget amendment to commit all annual revenue from the taxation of marijuana to equity-based programming and initiatives in Washtenaw County. The tax is expected to generate over $200,000 in revenue every year.  “We recognize the disparate negative impact the War on Drugs continues to […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Downtown “Social District” approved by village council

Two meetings after it was originally presented to Village Council, the Manchester DDA is now able to proceed with its plans for a downtown “Social District.” Social districts are gaining popularity in Michigan as a way to promote downtown areas. This idea has been explored and implemented in cities and villages throughout Michigan, since Gov. […]

 Sara Swanson

Changes to Crazy Ca$h as schools partner with CRC

Crazy Ca$h, Manchester’s largest annual fundraising event, has been a beloved institution for more than two decades. Over the past few years it has gone through many changes, adapting to survive. This year will be the 21st Crazy Ca$h event. With a new partnership between two organizations running it in a new location during a […]