Congregations find new ways to connect in the age of COVID-19
During these strange days of self-imposed quarantines, cancellations, and closures, life for those who regularly attend church services is being deeply affected by the recent and rapid changes to this integral part of their lives. Most local churches have closed their doors and have shifted to online platforms. Even the few who had determined to […]
Village DPW, water crew, and admin staff remain on the job
As “critical infrastructure workers,” Village of Manchester employees in water, wastewater treatment, public works, and their support staff will continue working through the COVID-19 crisis. While the doors of Village Hall are locked to ensure social distancing, administrative staff, DPW, and water treatment workers will continue to work in the office. Phones are answered at […]
5 Healthy Towns suspending coalition activity for at least 60 days
5 Healthy Towns, which funds many interventions in Manchester, most recently including school gardens, MCS kids’ summer camp, Acorn Farmers Market and Café, Run Manchester, Link Crew at the High School, Dance Manchester, the Manchester Farmer’s Market, SRSLY Manchester, the Community Garden, Adaptive Movement and Safe Routes to School, is suspending its coalition activity during […]
What to do if you don’t receive census info in the mail
Manchester residents should have by now received their census information in the mail. For Bridgewater, Freedom and Sharon Township residents, this should be a paper form to fill out and return. For Manchester Township residents, including Village residents, this should be a postcard inviting you to complete the census online or by phone. But, because […]
How to get mental health & addiction help during COVID-19
Anxiety and stress due to COVID-19 can affect everyone, but especially people at higher risk, those with pre-existing mental health conditions, those with substance abuse issues, health care providers and first responders, children and teens. The CDC states that stress during an infectious disease outbreak can include fear and worry about your own health and […]
Public Health Crisis: COVID-19 news for the Manchester area – UPDATED WEEKLY
(Article updated 8-2-22) Current positive cases & vaccination information: Manchester (zip code 48158) has had 1,637 positive cases. Washtenaw County has had 95,315 positive cases with 3,303 hospitalizations and 546 deaths. The State of Michigan has had 2,672,312 positive cases and 37,428 deaths. This was an increase of 10 new positive case in Manchester (zip code […]
COVID-19 open/closures/cancelations list for the Manchester area – UPDATED DAILY
Updated 4-20-20 2:00pm Note: The Manchester area COVID-19 news and positive cases information is in its own article HERE. If you have a business that you would like added to the “open” or “closed” list, email us at Open: Comerica Bank in Manchester currently has its doors locked but is open normal business hours […]
Whitmer press conference establishes Stay In Place order
At 11 am on Monday morning, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer held a special press conference at which she instituted an Executive Order requiring all non-essential businesses and services to cease, and urging all Michigan residents to stay at home, stay in place, beginning at midnight Monday night, and continuing for three weeks, until April 13. “Stay […]
It’s all about the food
When school was cancelled as of the end of the day on March 13, Manchester Community Schools’ Food Service Staff had no time to rest on their laurels. They still had kids to feed. “Our motto in Food Services is, ‘It’s all about the food’,” explained Lisa Garrison. “That’s what we are here for … […]
Lack of broadband in Manchester holds consequences for students across the county
As schools have shut down due to COVID-19 in Washtenaw County, no schools in the Washtenaw Intermediate School District are currently offering online classes. Districts can’t require coursework unless all of their students can access that coursework, and so when portions of a district lack broadband internet access, internet-based schooling can’t happen. Manchester’s high percentage […]