
 Marsha Chartrand

Riverfolk fund-raiser a swinging success

A cool and breezy late-summer evening surrounded by apple trees and a country summer sunset was the perfect setting for Riverfolk Music & Arts Organization’s first major fund-raiser last Saturday night. Hosted in the orchard at Alber’s Cider Mill in Freedom Township, the event featured both classic and modern string performances by Cultural Art Strings, […]

 Sara Swanson

Chain Gang headquarters moving to Library

For more than a decade, Manchester’s Chain Gang’s home base has been Pyramid Office Supply and Emporium on Main Street. With Pyramid’s owner Mann Baki’s retirement and the closing of the store, the Chain Gang’s headquarters are moving across the Village to the Manchester District Library. Christine Baisden, who heads up the Chain Gang as […]

 Sara Swanson

Low-income Village residents eligible for internet assistance

Comcast announced earlier this month it is expanding eligibility for Internet Essentials, its broadband adoption program, to include all qualified low-income households in its service area. In the Manchester area, the Comcast Service area includes the Village of Manchester and a few isolated areas along the outside edges of the townships.  The expansion is the […]

 Marsha Chartrand

SRSLY adds new youth programming this school year

submitted by Alex Duranczyk, SRSLY Manchester Coalition Director Do you remember the “SRSLY? Check your Stats” campaign from 2018? This year, our Project Success counselor and SRSLY team are working with students to develop a lunch campaign called “SRSLY–Check in with Us.” You will see the team at lunch at Manchester Junior/Senior High School once […]

 Marsha Chartrand

School board adds two new positions at Klager and Riverside

Last Monday night at the regularly scheduled Board of Education meeting for Manchester Community Schools, two new positions, each titled “Dean of Student Success,” were hired for Klager Elementary and Riverside Intermediate schools. “With the administrative shift this year, we wanted to make sure that there is an administrator in each building at all times, […]

 Sara Swanson

Manchester features more than 25 miles of hiking trails

COUNTY-CROSSING BORDER-TO-BORDER TRAIL EXPANDS Recently, the Border-to-Border Trail (B2B) has been in the news again with the exciting ground breaking of the Chelsea-Stockbridge connector. The B2B is a non-motorized pathway that runs through the northern part of the county, connecting Stockbridge, Chelsea, Dexter, Barton Hills, Ann Arbor, and Ypsilanti. More than 40 miles of trail […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Village continues to seek public input on city status

Village Council met last Monday night with an agenda item to field public questions or comment on seeking city status, but no citizens came forward. Village President Pat Vailliencourt announced that she will be available to meet with residents to answer their questions on at 9 am each Wednesday in the lobby of the village […]

 Marsha Chartrand

MAGIC Garden Club news

MAGIC members met at the home of Ron and Sue Fielder for a social gathering last week. Three area gardeners were among those present.  Rose Boldman, Astrida Punches and Carol Westfall all were complimented for their contributions and for inspiring other gardeners.   A tour of the Fielder gardens included discussion of challenges gardeners may have faced in […]

 Marsha Chartrand

County makes draft of new rec plan available

A meeting held in Manchester in early May has helped shape the development of a new draft Five-Year Plan for recreation in Washtenaw County. A copy of the DRAFT 2020-2024 5-Year Recreation Master Plan is available online and ready for review at:   There are 14 parks, 34 nature preserves, and 6,000 acres of land owned […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Village plans further public input at tonight’s meeting

Do you still have questions about Manchester’s quest to become a city, rather than a village? On the agenda for tonight’s Village Council meeting (held at 8 pm rather than its usual 7 pm time, due to visitation for Susan DuRussel), will be an additional special public participation session to again discuss City Status. The […]