
 Sara Swanson

Manchester gets “Walk your City” signs

Sunday afternoon, DDA member Jason Heinrich who headed up the project, and volunteers Ruth VanBogelen, Michael Pomorski and his son Austin put up “Walk Your City” (WYC) signs on posts and poles along the Village’s main thoroughfares. The signs were purchased using 2017 Community Tourism Action Plan funds from the Washtenaw County Convention and Visitors Bureau. Heinrich explained the purpose of […]

 Sara Swanson

Changes at the Mill as new owners prepare for expansion of shops

On May 16th at the end of a DDA meeting about placemaking, Village president Pat Vailliencourt introduced Jennifer Wojtowicz and her husband Steve Alber as the new owners of the Mill, located centrally in the village on the corner of Adrian Street and Main Street, as well as the dam which runs under the new […]

 Sara Swanson

Klager’s Science Olympiad Teams compete in Washtenaw tournament

On May 12th, Manchester’s Klager Elementary School students, along with thousands of other students from around the county participated in Washtenaw’s Science Olympiad Tournament in Ann Arbor at Pioneer High School. This year two of Manchester third grade teams placed and three other teams received honorable mentions! Manchester fielded ten teams total in three categories, […]

 Sara Swanson

Cub Scouts hold Annual Rank Advancement Ceremony

On Saturday, June 2nd, 23 Cub Scouts from Pack 421 walked across a crossover bridge where each Scout earned a new rank during their annual Rank Advancement Ceremony. The ceremony took place at Sharon United Methodist Church this year and was followed by a family camp out. Cub Scout leader Angie Flint explained the process. […]

 Sara Swanson

Girl Scouts hold area-wide bridging ceremony

Manchester area Girl Scouts held an area-wide bridging and awards ceremony on Friday evening at Emanuel Church. Organized by the 1st grade Daisy/2nd grade Brownie troop, it was attended by the kindergarten Daisy troop up to Manchester’s 11th grade Girl Scout Ambassadors troop, who started the event with a flag ceremony. The Ambassador troop was […]

 Sara Swanson

McCollum Road Bridge closing for repair

A bridge on McCollum Road over the Saline River between Burmeister and Braun Roads in Bridgewater Township will be closed starting today through the beginning of July for repair. A detour is posted.

 Ray Berg

Manchester has a successful 12th Business Expo

by Ray Berg, Chamber of Commerce president The weather was perfect for the 12th annual Chamber of Commerce Business Expo, held last Thursday in conjunction with the Farmers Market at Chi-Bro Park. Twenty of Manchester’s businesses, service organizations, and individual entrepreneurs hosted booths from 3:30 – 7 pm. This year, there also were representatives from AMI Manufacturing […]

 Sara Swanson

6th grade band performs special musical composition

Tuesday evening, audience members at the Klager Elementary 5th and 6th grade spring band concert were treated to a spectacular performance by the 6th grade band of a very special arrangement titled Volcano! which had been composed for a Manchester Middle School band almost 20 years earlier. And when it came time to perform, band director […]

 Sara Swanson

MECC to continue to offer free preschool through GSRP in new Klager location

The Washtenaw County Office of Community and Economic Development (OCED) recently released the the Washtenaw Opportunity Index. This index uses five key data sources to map equity and opportunity in Washtenaw County: health, education, job access, economic vitality, and neighborhood safety and stability. One of the many statistics it provided is the percentages of 3 & 4 year olds […]

 Sara Swanson

Library preparing for summer reading program

The Manchester District Library is getting ready to kick off its 2018 summer reading program. Sign up for the program begins on Friday, June 15th, the last day of school, and will feature a presentation by Zeemo the yo-yo man. All students are invited to attend the sign-up and participate in the program; they do not […]