
 Sara Swanson

New video game collection available at Manchester District Library

by Quintessa Gallinat, Manchester District Library Starting this week, video games are available for checkout at the Manchester District Library (MDL). The new collection includes titles for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch console gaming systems. MDL patrons can check out one game at a time for three weeks. Gamers can also explore related […]

 Sara Swanson

Michael Sessions starts as village Manager

Michael Sessions started work at his new job as Manchester’s new village manager last Monday.  Sessions, who is married with three young kids, is coming to the position with plenty of experience in municipal governance in southeast Michigan. Before accepting the position in Manchester, he served for eight and a half years as city administrator […]

 Marsha Chartrand

WAVE expands transportation options with new app, more routes, more services

The Western-Washtenaw Area Value Express (WAVE), which provides door-to-door shuttle service in Manchester, together with its technology partner, MUVE, a leader in mobility solutions, recently announced the launch of a new transportation app platform. This mobility ecosystem application integrates the full suite of MUVE’s technology offering, which includes dispatch mapping, driver in-bus real-time information updates, […]

 Sara Swanson

Bald eagles nesting locally

  The bald eagle is a noteworthy species for multiple reasons: it is the national bird of the United States, it has made a comeback from the brink of extinction in the mid 20th century, and it builds the largest tree nests ever recorded for any animal species. Currently we have a nesting pair of bald eagles in […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Manchester participates in Project RED after two-year hiatus

After two years, the Washtenaw County Farm Bureau was happy to be back “in person“ at Project RED (Rural Education Days) April 19–21. This event, held at the Washtenaw Farm Council Grounds, features a three-day parade of school buses filled with third graders from across the county with a purpose of educating them about agriculture […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Road commission working in Sharon, Bridgewater, Freedom townships this week

In Sharon Township, Pleasant Lake Rd between Sharon Hollow Rd and Smythe Rd will have daytime closures. Contractors will be placing the new road shoulders following the road resurfacing. Placing road shoulders is the last phase of this project. The road will reopen at the end of each day and remain open until work resumes […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Disc golf course plans progressing, donations still needed

The planned disc golf course at Chi-Bro Park has been making progress since we last wrote about it in February. A recent decision by the Manchester Community Schools board of education to allow use of some school property adjacent to the north edge of the park that will allow a better-laid out course has cemented […]

 Sara Swanson

327 W Main leased for Biggby Coffee & Cold Scoops

submitted by Sarah Simmons Chris Moyle has spent more than 29 years as a successful business owner here within the Village of Manchester. He opened his first original Ollie’s location in 1993, and second location of Ollie’s Pizza and Grinders side by side with Over The Edge Sports Bar in 2016, restoring another previously abandoned […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Acorn’s Vendor of the Week: Specialty Tea Products

submitted by Acorn Farmers’ Market & Café Pour yourself a cup of tea, and let’s have a chat with Samantha from Specialty Tea Products (S•TEA•P)! What exactly is S•TEA•P? “S•TEA•P Specialty Tea Products carries handcrafted, Michigan-inspired loose-leaf tea. Our teas, with names such as Great Lakes, Petoskey Stones, True Blue, etc., represent the great state […]

 Sara Swanson

The Digital Dislocators season comes to an end with excitement for next year!

submitted by Caiden Kippnick and Luke Somerville, The Digital Dislocators After an abrupt cut to our 2020 season due to the pandemic and a slow, almost nonexistent 2021 season that consisted of no competitions, team #6081 was excited and ready for this year. This year’s game, Rapid React, required us to design and build a […]

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