
 Sara Swanson

T-Shirt Design Contest for Canoe/Kayak Race

submitted by Sybil Kolon, Canoe/Kayak Race Committee The canoe/kayak race committee is seeking designs for the 56th Annual Manchester River Raisin Canoe/Kayak Race, to be held on Sunday, May 15. The winner will receive four of the t-shirts in the sizes they specify or a $50 gift certificate to Over the Edge. Entries are due […]

 Marsha Chartrand

High school to move to traditional 6-hour instructional day

Last June, after school had ended for the summer, then-principal Eric McCalla proposed, and the school board accepted, the change to a 5×5 block schedule day for the high school. This was considered optimal at the time due to fewer class changes during the day and also proposed the benefits of giving students an opportunity […]

 Sara Swanson

MCS Strategic Framework committee concludes

This winter, MCS Superintendent Brad Bezeau organized a team of district staff and community members to set short and long term goals for the school district, under the title of the Strategic Framework committee. Participants were selected after Dr. Bezeau sent an open invitation to school staff and the community in October. The intent was […]

 Sara Swanson

MHS Digital Dislocators place 6th at first competition of the season

Submitted by Andy Galicki, for the Digital Dislocators Manchester High School’s robotics team, 6081 Digital Dislocators have finished their first competition of the 2022 season this weekend. They ended the qualification matches as the 6th-ranked team overall out of 34 total teams. They advanced to the playoffs and earned the privilege of being captain of […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Local Wellness Centers lift mask requirements, expand hours

On February 25, the CDC rescinded mask-wearing recommendations for most of the country, and specifically in areas with low or medium COVID-19 community levels. In accordance with the updated guidance, mask-wearing has become optional for all members and staff using Chelsea, Dexter and Stockbridge Wellness Centers, beginning on Thursday, March 3. The Manchester Wellness Center, […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Remembering Don Limpert, Manchester’s own “Black Sheep”

“Families don’t build monuments to honor their black sheep. Neither do communities. Regardless of how talented, or how far-reaching their accomplishments, the renegades of society rarely get their just due in terms of public recognition.”     — Harry Macomber, from the book, “If … the oft-times colorful life and accomplishments of Manchester’s Don Limpert, […]

 Sara Swanson

New changes to masking recommendations for schools & community at large

COVID case numbers continue to drop as the Omicron variant wave wanes both in the community, across the county, state, and most of the country. With these changes have come changes in masking recommendations over the past few weeks, with the most recent change coming from the CDC on Friday.  On Friday the Center for […]

 Sara Swanson

Misleading “Home Warranty Replacement” notice sent to county residents

submitted by Edward R. Golembiewski, Chief Deputy Clerk The Washtenaw County Clerk/Register’s Office is cautioning residents that a misleading postcard claiming to be related to “County Deed Records” is in fact a marketing ploy from an out-of-state company. The postcard, which also includes the text “Property Lienholder,” encourages the recipient to contact a private business […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Manchester officially has a new postmaster

And yes, that’s a postmaster.  Even though 100 years or so ago, a “postmistress” was a rare and coveted position, Jennifer Bates is Manchester’s new postmaster and she is proud of the title. Although she has been acting as OIC (Officer in Charge) since August 30, 2020, she was officially named to the position of […]

 Sara Swanson

MCSF plans outdoor Daddy-Daughter/Mother-Son Dance

submitted by Shea VanVuuren, President, Manchester Community Schools Foundation Prior to Covid-19 the Manchester Community Schools Foundation hosted an annual “Daddy-Daughter” dance and a “Mother-Son” event as fundraisers for the organization. The Foundation gives 100% of the profits from such events back to the students and teachers of the district through grants.   The Foundation […]

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