Sara Swanson

How to Get your Event into The Mirror

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The Manchester Mirror, reflecting the community since 2013.

The Manchester Mirror, reflecting the community since 2013.

If you are a non-profit or for-profit and your event is free and open to the public (or if your event has a fee but you are a non-profit) we are happy to write about your event before it happens and run photos of it afterwards.  Our email address is and can be found anytime under "contact", under "about". In order to get an article in to Monday's paper, we must have everything by noon on Saturday at the latest. It is a good idea to contact us earlier than that, though so we have time to ask questions and get answers. Remember, you may want the article to come out earlier than a week before the event!

How to get your event into The Mirror as an article:

Before the event:

Email us information about your upcoming event, how it differs from previous year’s events (if it is re-occurring), how profits will be used if it is a fund-raiser, a short bio of your group, who to contact if a reader has a question about the event, a quote or two about the upcoming event and your name and position in the group (or relationship to the event). We need at least one photo to run with the article. A photo of a previous event, your group or even your group’s logo will work. A high-quality jpg works the best. Please include the name of the photographer (if known) so we can credit them in the caption.

After the event:

If you have taken photos of your event, we would be happy to run them in the Mirror afterwards. Email us high-quality jpgs with a brief description of the event (date, location, purpose, attendance numbers, etc.). If people are present in the photos and you can identify them, please include their names in your email so we can identify them in the captions. Please also include the name of the photographer(s) so we can credit them in the captions.

If your event had a result, we’d love to report that too. You can report to us about how much money was raised, how many people attended/participated, how people responded to the event, how everything compares to previous events, etc,

Advertising policy:

Because we are committed to running articles about Manchester’s non-profit organizations, their events, and their fund-raisers for free, we do not offer discounts on ads to non-profit groups.

Click here for a printable PDF with all of this information to keep handy or share with groups to which you belong: mirrornonprofitcheatsheet

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