Danielle Muntz

Klager was Rocking for the 2016 Senior Luncheon

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All of Klager Elementary worked hard to make this year's Senior Luncheon, sponsored by the PTO, special and they succeeded. Community attendance was up, with approximately 175 seniors coming over for an enjoyable afternoon. Ellen Supers, a first grade teacher, and heavily involved in the planning of the luncheon, "Really wanted to bring back the meaning and emphasize how important the event is to the community and how important the community is to our schools."

She said, "We worked really hard this year to make sure the community knew that they did not have to have a grandchild in the school in order to come to the event." The day starts with a concert where every class sings a holiday song, and ends with a delicious turkey lunch.

Even more than the lovely songs they sang for those in attendance, every grade had a special job. Kindergartners, with the help of their teachers and retired teacher Carolyn Supers, created the table runners for the luncheon. 1st and 2nd graders made ornaments. A few second graders got the special job of taking pictures during the recital. Third graders, with the assistance of Manchester High School Honor Society students, reset the gym from concert hall to dining hall. The fourth graders had the special task of giving the seniors a tour of the school. Some led groups, while others told about the school at designated areas around Klager.

Special student readers were incorporated in to the concert. Introducing their grade's song were Kindergarten Reader - Kyle Herschelman, First Grade - Vince Budd, Second Grade - Meghan McLennan, Third Grade - Ellie Marsh, Fourth Grade - Savannah Flint. Fourth grade also led a sing-a-along, which is music teacher, Ed Schoendorff's (Mr. S) favorite part of the concert. Students Lila Harvey and Calina Command were the special readers for the sing-a-long Dreidel Song.

Many members of the Klager staff, and community went above and beyond for this event. Fourth graders Ashley BoBo, Trent Line, Jackson McCready, Sarah Stommen, Joshua Gregory, and Grant Johnson read a list of special thank yous to teachers and staff: Mr. S, Carolyn Supers, Ellen Supers, Julie Charney, Kathy O'Mara and Jill Smith. In addition, they thanked the Klager PTO, Flower Garden for the vases and flowers which were "the perfect touch to the table decorations," and the Manchester United Methodist Church for the use of their pitchers.

Teacher Kathy O'Mara, who was in charge of proceedings on the day, was excited by the turn-out. A 98 year old woman came to the Luncheon for the first time. O'Mara said, "If you invite them they will come!  We hope that the seniors who came will tell their friends and our attendance will just keep growing in years to come."img_20161207_110040387 img_20161207_110417510 img_20161207_110518574 img_20161207_111839456_top

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