Ray Berg

Fire, Smut and Disease in Manchester

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Anyone interested in Manchester’s history knows that our first grist mill, located where the Manchester Mill is now on Adrian Street, burned in May 1853, with the flames spreading across Main Street and destroying most of the businesses on the north side of Main. But what caused this fire, and what were the consequences?

Come to our next meeting of the Manchester Area Historical Society on Thursday, April 12, 7pm at the Kingsley-Jenter House, 302 E. Main. You’ll hear how recent research has uncovered the cause of this fire, and how well-intentioned actions designed to prevent a reoccurrence of fire at the mill led to unintended severe consequences and loss of life in Manchester. You’ll also hear how Manchester played an important role in the development of modern epidemiology in Michigan!

The public is welcome. We’ll have a short update meeting on Society matters, and some fine refreshments afterwards. We’ll also talk about upcoming programs which are sure to get your interest!

Hope to see you then!

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