Sara Swanson

Letter to the editor: Disappointed in your coverage

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Dear Editor,

We are disappointed in your coverage of the mask mandate protest at Manchester schools in the September 15th edition of the Manchester Mirror.  You play into selling sensationalism rather than investigating and reporting both sides of the debate.  The extension of the Governor’s emergency powers were unconstitutional as ruled by our Michigan Supreme Court last year.  Just because Washtenaw County Health Department now mandates masks, it is still unconstitutional.   

Let’s rewind and take a look back through history.  In the past, citizens have been civilly disobedient to bring about change.  Moses defied Pharoah to set the Israelites free from Egyptian slavery.  Jesus defied the Pharisees and Sadducees to bring change and save the entire human race from an eternal spiritual death through his perfect sacrifice and shed blood.  Paul, who was Saul of Tarsis and one of history’s biggest persecutors and murderer of Jews, defied Roman Rulers and wrote letters to encourage and guide the newly formed Christian Religion.  His letters make up 14 of the 27 New Testament Gospels.  In more recent history, Mahatma Gandhi was a renowned Indian lawyer, politician, social activist and writer who became the head of the nationalist movement against British rule in India.  He is internationally esteemed for his doctrine of non-violent protest to achieve political social progress. (  Martin Luther King Jr. brought civil rights changes here in the United States through peaceful protests and civil disobedience.  Rosa Parks and Ruby Bridges acted against segregation in their own small way which brought about huge changes in the government’s “Separate but Equal” policy.  These changes did not come easy nor were they accepted by everyone.  There were lots of opinions on both sides in those days too.  What happened to our college students that had sit-down protests over the Vietnam War?  Why should our students sit down and roll over for unjust corrupt government policies?

The students and parents who stood up for their liberties and rights to breathe fresh, healthy, clean air during school should be celebrated.  The mask mandate at schools is a government overreach and unconstitutional.  The inconsistencies and moving target our government officials preach shows weakness, lack of knowledge and stirs distrust.  Why can students go to a college football game with over 100,000 people with no mask, vaccine or testing mandate, but have to mask in school for their “safety”?  Vacations, weddings, funerals and grocery stores are mask optional and allow individuals to choose their level of protection they want and have options for contactless delivery.  There are choices to meet the wide spectrum of health concerns.  Our students should not be forced to suffocate and breathe carbon dioxide for seven to eight hours during a time when their brains need oxygen to learn.  

To the individuals that are causing property damage, writing intimidating social media posts and vandalizing property with terrifying propaganda should be ashamed of yourselves.  You preach tolerance and acceptance, but your actions are intolerant and hypocritical.  Hold yourself to a higher standard!  There is another side to the story, and they may actually benefit you as government tightens its grip on society.  Those parents and students that protested are trying to stop the government from forcing vaccination, stop the government from dictating your health care, stop the government from taking away your religious freedoms, stop the government from silencing us, stop the government from taking away your ability to protect yourself and stop the government from taking away your property rights.  This socialist scheme with government dictating a majority of your life and choices has not worked in other countries.  We have fought deadly wars and lost many patriotic soldiers to stop government oppression and tyranny around the world.  Consider how good you have it here in the United States before you judge or attack someone for a differing view.

Concerned Manchester Citizens,

Kelly Flaherty (Bridgewater Township), Brad Helmke (Manchester Township)

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