Marsha Chartrand

Holiday Gifts: Riverside carolers bring joy of the season to Manchester

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Once upon a time, third-grade teacher Sarah McCaffrey was the faculty supervisor for the Kiwanis K-Kids group. One of her favorite events of the year was to take the children Christmas caroling. Now that the Kiwanis and the K-Kids are no longer organized, she wanted to find a way to continue.

"It’s such a beautiful and fun thing to do," she says, adding, "Most children have never done it before. I really enjoy watching the kids discover the magic of it as much as the looks of joy and appreciation of the homes and businesses we sing to."

When she started teaching at Riverside three years ago, she decided her class would carol in lieu of having a Christmas party in the classroom. Last. year's third graders didn't go due to COVID; the kids were just returning from virtual school.

"We leave shortly after returning from lunch, stop at houses and businesses as we walk down Main Street, turn around, and head back," she explains. "When we return, we have a hot chocolate bar with all the fixings, wrap our parent gifts and watch It’s a Charlie Brown Christmas."

This year, highlights included a meeting at the Historical Society where about 10 people came out on the porch to listen, as well as going inside at Over The Edge and Frank’s Place, and sang to dining rooms full of people.

Back in the classroom, McCaffrey said she asked the students, as they sipped their hot cocoa, what was their favorite part of the day. "Answers ranged from spreading Christmas cheer, making people happy, feeling the spirit of Christmas in ourselves, sharing joy, and simply enjoying singing to others," she shared. "It’s truly the best way to celebrate and spend our last day of 2021 together — by giving to others."

She expressed her thanks to chaperones and classroom helpers, Jeff and Lindsey Foulke, and Elizabeth Severson; also to Lindsey Foulke for coordinating the hot cocoa bar.

The hot cocoa bar and watching the Charlie Brown Christmas video while wrapping gifts for their parents, top off the day, in lieu of a traditional party for the third graders.

Third grade teacher Sarah McCaffrey with her carolers and the class chaperones. Photo courtesy Chris Brown.

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