Marsha Chartrand

Gazebo concerts return by popular demand

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Last Thursday’s gazebo concert featured John Louis Good & the Rose City Troubadours.

by Marsha Chartrand

The debut of the 2023 Gazebo concert season, hosted by the Manchester District Library, was a huge success, featuring John Louis Good & the Rose City Troubadours.

Good, a Jackson native who frequents the Wednesday night musical events at the Village Tap, has developed a Manchester following and attracted some Manchester talent to his band as well, so it was a great local homecoming for his rockin’ Americana variety of music. Singing both original and cover tunes, Good and his Troubadours gave the Gazebo audience a great opener to the season.

Despite earlier predictions of thunderstorms, the band took the challenge on the gazebo stage and were graced with sunny skies and a delightful evening breeze. A crowd of well over 50 concert-goers with blankets, chairs, and some with social district beverages, enjoyed the show.

The Troubadours’ featured backup singer, Kristen Uthus, will return this week with long-time gazebo favorite Billy King for what should be an amazing folk/rock combination. Billy started singing at Gazebo Concerts as a child, with his two brothers, as “The King Brothers,” and has returned in new incarnations ever since. Kristen, who most often can be found in her orchid greenhouses in Manchester Township, also enjoys letting out her musical side and gets to do so again this week. Both Billy and Kristen have the capacity to either blow out the speakers or calm the spirit, depending on the mood they choose to create in their music. Can’t wait to see what’s coming this Thursday night, July 27, at 7 pm.

See you at the Gazebo! Donations are appreciated to keep this long-standing Manchester tradition a reality.

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