Marsha Chartrand

Letter to the Editor: Local communities should have zoning autonomy

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Letter to the Editor

Editor’s note: In response to Group launches campaign to overturn Michigan solar siting law.

January 12, 2024

To the Editor:

As passed by the Legislature and signed by the Governor in November, Public Act 233 severely restricts local governments from participating in the decision-making process regarding zoning for industrial wind, solar, and battery storage/manufacturing ordinances in their communities. Unless a local government abides by all of the mandates in the new law, decision-making authority for that zoning now rests with the three-member, politically appointed Michigan Public Service Commission. Our right of referendum and our right to recall appointed officials will also not be allowed. The state’s plans of 100% renewable energy and takeover of local control of that zoning is a classic case of government overreach and their plans aren’t realistic nor are they achievable.

State control of aggregate mining (gravel pits), vacation home rentals, water rights statewide water program, which includes increased fees, and septic systems and even a larger fee has already been discussed by Lansing Legislators. Our concern? What’s next on the agenda for Lansing’s Legislators interested in dictating zoning decisions? Local communities know better what should and shouldn’t be allowed in a community!

The sponsor of the state legislation said he has spoken to hundreds of people in favor of the legislation. Hundreds? He provided no specifics. A recent Michigan Township Association poll showed 87% of the residents polled were in favor of retaining local control of zoning, including Republicans and Democrats.

Tuscola, Sanilac, Huron, and Isabella counties represent 200,000 people in Michigan and all four of those counties host wind turbines. Yet they still approved resolutions retaining control of local zoning because they know the state's actions are simply wrong. Additionally, more than 90 townships and 30 additional counties also approved resolutions. Those townships and counties represent hundreds of thousands of people, which is considerably more than the “hundreds” of nameless people mentioned by the legislator.

We WILL prevail because we DO have the support of the people.

Michael Brown
Manchester Township

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