Upcoming Events

 Sara Swanson

Get trained to help prevent suicide in Manchester

Get trained to help prevent suicide in Manchester

by Sara Swanson We reported last month that although decreasing from the previous year, Manchester still has the highest rate of suicide completion in Washtenaw County, and a higher rate than Michigan’s overall suicide rate. One organization actively working to decrease suicide in our area is Chelsea Hospital. They have organized two upcoming Mental Health […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Centershot Archery program at Sharon Church

Centershot Archery program at Sharon Church

submitted by Stephanie Little Sharon Church invites you to take part in their Centershot Archery TEAMS Program, Monday, July 15, to Thursday, July 19, from 4:30 to 6pm, for ages 7 and up. Registration fee is $40 per adult and child team. Sign up as a team or individual (for $20). All instructors are NASP-trained […]

 Sara Swanson

Bethel Church’s Ice Cream Social

Bethel Church’s Ice Cream Social

submitted by Jacob Mann Bethel United Church of Christ warmly invites you to our annual Ice Cream Social on July 11, 2024, starting at 4:30pm. We are continuing our annual tradition of a buffet-style dinner with games and, of course — socialization! We are located at 10425 Bethel Church Rd in Manchester. Bethel’s cooks will […]

 Sara Swanson

New free exercise class for seniors!

New free exercise class for seniors!

by Sara Swanson Manchester seniors ages 55+ have a new, twice-weekly, free exercise class right here in the City starting this week! Senior Fit is being offered at no cost as a gift to the senior community by Trinity Health, the parent company of Chelsea Hospital. Class participants will be doing calisthenics, weight training, and […]

 Marsha Chartrand

71st annual Chicken Broil set for July 20, 2024

submitted by Manchester Chicken Broil Committee The 71st annual Manchester Chicken Broil, the decades-long and entirely volunteer-run event that takes place in the City of Manchester, located 25 minutes outside Ann Arbor in Washtenaw County, is set for Saturday, July 20, from 4pm to 7:30pm at the Alumni Memorial Field, and with it comes some […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Battle of the Bands coming to Manchester Fair

Battle of the Bands coming to Manchester Fair

by Marsha Chartrand The Manchester Community Fair Board, “Michigan’s Biggest Little Fair,” would like to introduce a new event, Battle of the Bands, to the fair this year. This new event will happen on Thursday night, August 8, starting at 6pm. “The fair has had a battle of the bands in the past but not […]

 Sara Swanson

St. James UCC Ice Cream Social, Bazaar & Quilt Raffle

submitted by Jane Finkbeiner St. James United Church of Christ is holding its annual Ice Cream Social, Bazaar, and Quilt Raffle Tuesday, July 2, starting at 5pm with food service until 8pm. They are located at 11005 W Michigan Ave, just west of Bridgewater Township. There will be homemade pretzel-bun sandwiches, hot chicken sandwiches, coleslaw, baked […]

 Sara Swanson

Celebrate Dairy Week at the Farmers Market this Thursday

Celebrate Dairy Week at the Farmers Market this Thursday

from Manchester Farmers Market This Thursday the Manchester Farmers Market will be celebrating Dairy Week. Horning Farms will be sending dairy cow information and possibly a calf! Next week the Farmers Market will be held on Wednesday, July 3, instead of its usual Thursday to coincide with Manchester’s Independence Day Fireworks. There will be a […]

 Sara Swanson

Adventure Time Marathon & Party at the Library

Adventure Time Marathon & Party at the Library

from Manchester District Library It’s time to get mathematical with Finn and Jake and all your favorite residents of Ooo! Whether you’re an old fan or just a fan of fun in general, join us at the library for an Adventure Time marathon on Friday, June 28, from 4pm to 6pm, in the Village Room […]

 Sara Swanson

Tabletop Role-playing Game Workshop

Tabletop Role-playing Game Workshop

from Manchester District Library Hail and well met, traveler! We seek those who feel called by the fates to roll the dice, those who dare to adventure into places so dangerous and mystifying that they can only be conjured up through our words and imaginations. Also known as folks who want to play tabletop role-playing […]

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