
 Marsha Chartrand

Quilt display at library a reminder of 9/11 anniversary

Tuesday, September 11, 2001 was a pivotal moment in our nation’s history and is an event that everyone who lived through it will remember for a lifetime. This Saturday, September 11, 2021, will be the 20th anniversary of that fateful day. A number of events, both local and nationwide, will observe this somber time in […]

 Sara Swanson

Washtenaw County mandate means masks for Manchester Community Schools

Manchester Community Schools started school last Monday with masks optional for everyone and no positive cases of COVID or quarantines on their COVID-19 dashboard. By Thursday, the Washtenaw County Health Department had announced a county-wide masking mandate for K-12 schools and the district had six positive cases and 13 students quarantining. The Washtenaw County Health […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Steve Girbach — Back on the trail

  When last we talked with Steve Girbach of Manchester Underground, he and his radio partner Jackson Smith were working on a spot for Michigan Public Radio. The duo currently has a radio show, “Songs from the Trail,” on WVBI (the Voice of Beaver Island) from Beaver Island, Michigan, that they initiated last March. Jackson […]

 Sara Swanson

Funding pledged to bring Broadband access to every home in Washtenaw County

Last Wednesday evening, the Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners Funding unanimously passed a historic resolution pledging up to $30.5 million dollars for community investments through the Ways and Means Committee. This proposed package leverages $24 million of the $71 million coming to the county through the American Rescue Plan Act. One of the programs it […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Crazy Ca$h postponed until March

It was announced “with great regret” last week that the Crazy Ca$h event, co-sponsored by the Manchester Community Resource Center and the Manchester Community Schools, has been rescheduled. Originally set to take place this Saturday, September 11, the event has been postponed to Saturday, March 5, 2022. “Due to low participation and the current status […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Public input sought for apportionment of County Commissioner Districts

The Washtenaw County Apportionment Commission is seeking public input into the number and location of boundaries of County Commissioner districts that will be in place for the next ten years, and will hold a series of public hearings in September to gather input as it works to complete an apportionment plan that will be in […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Weather delays work on Watkins Lake Trail, but progress continues

Work along the Watkins Lake Trail between Manchester and the State Park at Watkins Lake, just across the Jackson County line, has been delayed but not forgotten, according to Roy Townsend, Project Manager for Washtenaw County Parks & Recreation Commission, who is coordinating the project for the state and the county. “We had hoped to […]

 Marsha Chartrand

New principal hired for Junior/Senior High School

Manchester Community Schools Superintendent Dr. Bradley Bezeau shared this announcement with the MCS community last week: “It is with great enthusiasm that we welcome Andy Rousselo to our team as the new Principal of the Manchester Jr./Sr. High School. He comes to us from Bedford High School in Temperance, where he served the students and […]

 Sara Swanson

MCS only school district in Washtenaw without mask mandate

Two weeks ago when Manchester Community Schools shared their Return to School Plan, Manchester was one of about half of the public school districts in Washtenaw County not requiring masks indoors. At that time, the county’s COVID-19 transmission rate was “Moderate.” Last week, as our county’s COVID-19 transmission level has risen to “High,” things changed […]

 Sara Swanson

School board resolves to sell Ackerson to Aspire, approves new hires

by Julia Forrest As kids return to school Monday, the Manchester Community Schools Board of Education convened August 16th in a regular session to discuss and vote on proposed school plans, handbooks, and policies ahead of the upcoming school year. The regular meeting began with Vice President Mike Austin approving the minutes of the meeting […]