Village to vacate Well #2, in operation since 1931
by Marsha Chartrand While being proactive about Manchester’s water quality is a passion for Water/Wastewater Superintendent Thomas Thompson, it was still a bit of a shock when he learned a couple of months ago that the village’s oldest, but still-functioning, well was actually in pretty abysmal shape. “We have been working on our Capital Improvement […]
Meet new school board member Jeffrey White
by Marsha Chartrand Three qualified candidates filled out applications to be considered for the school board position left vacant last month by the resignation of Kody Naylor, who had served for a little over two years. Colleen Schoenfeld, Kathryn (Kate) LaVigne, and Jeffrey White were each considered carefully by the six remaining board members, who […]
Village DPW making progress on lead line replacement
by Marsha Chartrand After completing a total of 13 lead water-line replacements in 2022, the Manchester Village Department of Public Works has already replaced six this spring. The favorable warmer weather in the past couple of weeks has allowed the DPW, along with contractor Lester Brothers, to do the line boring more quickly and efficiently. […]
Need some tilling done? The Men’s Club can help!
by Marsha Chartrand Are you thinking this might be the year you’ll start a vegetable garden in your yard? Do you have a small plot you’d just love to clear out and plant a profusion of flowers? It’s the Manchester Men’s Club to the rescue — again! Just email your name, address, and phone number […]
WCSO March 2023 report of police services in the village
as reported by Lt. Alan Hunt, WCSO During the month of March there were 155 calls for service. During this time, 78 traffic stops were made, resulting in 39 citations. Noteworthy events in Manchester Village during the month include: On March 17, a Collaboration Deputy responded to the 100 block of W. Vernon Street for […]
Letter to the Editor: Thanks from Parks Commission
Monday, April 10, 2023 To the editor: Thank you to Lisa DuRussel, Sue Gleason, and the Manchester residents who showed up to volunteer for our annual spring clean-up day at Chi-Bro Park (April 1). The weather was NOT ideal and certainly seemed like a true April Fool’s Day prank, but the dedication of those who […]
Letter to the Editor: Polling location error causes confusion
Sunday, April 16, 2023 Letter to editor: A small portion of Manchester Township has an election on May 2 for several millage issues; one for Columbia schools and one for Jackson ISD. Our Manchester Township clerk, Danell Proctor, sent out postcards indicating a polling location change, which we appreciate. The postcard indicated a polling place […]
Dexter schools sue social media giants, citing child mental health crisis
by Isabel Lohman (Bridge Michigan) What can school districts do to change how social media companies interact with children and teens? It’s a question that may be answered in a federal lawsuit targeting the most popular and ubiquitous social media platforms used by children and adolescents. On Monday, the Dexter Community Schools board unanimously approved a […]
In Michigan, an affordable housing ‘emergency’ looms
by Lauren Gibbons (Bridge Michigan) Affordable housing is in short supply throughout Michigan — and state housing officials are hoping a proposed expansion of redevelopment subsidy programs will help close the gap. A four-bill package recently approved by the Michigan Senate would allow local governments to offer subsidies on certain affordable housing redevelopment projects through […]
STEM degrees soar at Michigan colleges; business grads decline, records show
by Mike Wilkinson (Bridge Michigan) The push to get more Michigan students into math and science heavy programs is bearing fruit, with more people majoring in those fields — while fewer are graduating with degrees in business or liberal arts programs. Although the overall number of bachelor degrees has fallen slightly since 2018, four of […]