
 Sara Swanson

Dollar General adds fresh produce!

While Manchester residents wait patiently for the reopening of Acorn Farmers Market and Cafe and the brand new Manchester Market (which are hopefully in the final stretch of inspections), they now have a new option for fresh produce while they wait! Joining the gas stations, farm stands, and even restaurants that stepped in to fill […]

 Sara Swanson

COVID-19 cases rise in Manchester

COVID-19 cases rose dramatically last week in 48158 from 2 new cases the previous week to 8 cases last week. The last time Manchester had eight positive cases was the beginning of May when we were nearing the end of our second wave of cases. While 8 cases is low compared to our highest new […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Horning Farms announces ground beef donation program to CRC

Help Horning Farms “MEAT” their current goal of helping the community! For a donation of just $5, you can contribute a pound of ground beef to Manchester’s Community Resource Center and each pound donated by you will be matched by Horning Farms, up to 150 pounds. So your $5 donation actually is providing two pounds […]

 Sara Swanson

Residents concerned about proposed gravel mine in Sharon Township

A group of Sharon Township residents are asking that anyone concerned or who wants more information about 400-acre gravel mining operation proposed to go in on either side of Pleasant Lake Road between M-52 and Smythe Road attend the Sharon Township Planning Commission preliminary public hearing, August 17, 2021 at 7 pm at the Sharon […]

 Sara Swanson

CTPL Summer Reading is a Mammoth Success!

submitted by Tamara Denby, Clinton Township Public Library Director This year, the Clinton Library staff was determined to pack a whole lot of fun and education into summer, and it paid off in a big way! Thanks to the aid of resources donated by our generous sponsors and an IMLS grant awarded by the Library […]

 Marsha Chartrand

WCSO: July 2021 report of police activity in the Village

During the month of July, there were 118 calls for service. During this time, 47 traffic stops were made, resulting in eight citations. Noteworthy events in Manchester Village during last month include: On July 18, a Collaboration Deputy responded to the area of the 200 block of E. Main St. for a report of a […]

 Sara Swanson

Road work this week in the Manchester area

The Washtenaw County Road Commission will be performing road work in three of the four townships this week. In Freedom Township: Esch Road between Altenbrent Rd and Pleasant Lake Rd, and Steinbach Rd between Pleasant Lake Rd and Ellsworth Rd, will have intermittent lane closures this week for drainage improvements. In Sharon Township: Washburne Rd […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Consumers Energy holds open house, tour at Freedom Compressor Plant

Forty-four residents, board members, Consumers Energy employees, and other interested persons attended an open house and facilities tour at the Freedom Compressor Plant on a fresh and bright summer morning last Saturday. Hosted by senior staff at the compressor plant, the outdoor portion of the open house consisted of introductions, welcome, and an overview of […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Community Mental Health access “literally saving lives” in Washtenaw County

In 2017, Washtenaw County voters passed a mental health and public safety millage. Prior to the passing of this millage, WCCMH could only provide services to people who had Medicaid. Programs developed with millage funds have allowed the county to expand the services it can provide to people of all ages, regardless of insurance. Goals […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Residents still concerned by accidents at City/Riverside curve

August, 2016. February, 2017. December, 2019. And July, 2021. For the fourth time in less than five years, significant damage has been done to two homes along Riverside Drive where the M-52 curve was re-configured in 2012. Excessive speed, sleeping drivers, and now a runaway dual tire have caused freakish accidents near Randy and Vickie […]