
 Marsha Chartrand

Sharon Township property conserved, adds to Sharon Short Hills Greenway

submitted by Pam Bierzynski, Legacy Land Conservancy On December 28, Legacy Land Conservancy announced that it has permanently protected 53 acres of agricultural land and wildlife habitats within the Sharon Short Hills area of western Washtenaw County. The landowner—who wishes to remain anonymous—is pleased to protect their property’s highly valuable natural areas, hunting resources, and […]

 Sara Swanson

Omicron is here. If you test positive, when can you go back to work?

The highly contagious Omicron variant of COVID-19 is present both in the State of Michigan and Washtenaw County and both are currently experiencing record numbers of new positive cases. The Washtenaw County Health Department states the everyone should be using layering prevention strategies including wearing a well-fitting mask with multiple layers in indoor public spaces, […]

 Marsha Chartrand

24/7 hotline for Washtenaw County substance use treatment support starting January 1

submitted by Sally Amos-O’Neal, Washtenaw County Community Mental Health (WCCMH) Beginning January 1, Washtenaw County residents who want substance use treatment support can call a 24/7 hotline, 734-544-3050, to receive an immediate screening, referral to a community-based provider, or guidance on how to get connected to services. The calls will be answered by licensed mental health and […]

 Marsha Chartrand

WCSO: November 2021 report of police activity in the Village

During the month of November, there were 139 calls for service. During this time, 71 traffic stops were made, resulting in 19 citations. Noteworthy events in Manchester Village during the month include: On November 18, a collaboration deputy responded to the 200 block of Wager Street for a report of a fraud. The complainant reported that […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Emanuel’s Live Nativity attracts crowds for two nights

It is a sight that never gets old. A nativity scene is traditional in most Christian churches during the Advent and Christmas seasons. But for many years now, (since 1976, to be exact) Emanuel Church has brought a “Live Nativity” performance to Manchester and it always brings out those who enjoy seeing this poignant scene. […]

 Marsha Chartrand

A new look and at least one new face at Manchester Diner

Leslie Kirkland is the “new” (as in a month and a half ago) owner of the Manchester Diner, following an interesting twist of the path in her journey as a chef. “I had planned to start a food truck, and I actually had a truck, that was set up as a brunch truck,” she says. […]

 Marsha Chartrand

With the turn of a key, Ash Auto will become Chuck’s Auto Repair Shop

It’s been a long-time dream of Chuck DuRussel to own his own auto repair facility. And, starting January 3, his dream will start to come true. “It’s been a long time coming,” Chuck says with a laugh. “I’ve been working in auto repair, mostly in Manchester, for the past 25 years. I kicked around the […]

 Sara Swanson

Men’s Club sets up ice rink

The Men’s Club set up the ice rink in Wurster Park on Sunday, Dec. 19. Club president, Andy Mahony, stated, “We are hoping for good weather this year so the community can use the rink this winter. We do ask everyone to stay off the rink as long as the yellow caution tape is up. […]

 Sara Swanson

Washtenaw Young Farmers raise money for Food Gatherers

On December 9th, Washtenaw County Farm Bureau president Joe Packard and Matthew Noggle presented Food Gatherers of Ann Arbor a check for $3,954.76 — the equivalent of 10,784 meals. This was raised this year at the Farm Bureau’s 2021 Young Farmer Golf tournament. This was their third year running the event and over the course […]

 Sara Swanson

Manchester Township board discusses personnel evaluations, fire runs, and how new addresses are established

submitted by Sybil Kolon, Community Reporter Corps All board members were present at the December 14 township board meeting except John Seefeld. Also present were fire chief Bill Scully and Sybil Kolon. Fire Chief Bill Scully provided the monthly report for November. There were 43 calls for service, including 3 fires and 19 EMS responses. […]

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