
 Sara Swanson

Recipe: Shaved asparagus and fennel salad with arugula, toasted hazelnuts, and grilled lemon

by Kevin Sharp This is the time of year when, if you have a patch of asparagus, you are reaping the benefits; if you don’t, you wish you did; and if, like me, you plowed yours under during a garden redesign, you are feeling remorse. Raw asparagus may not be an obvious go-to in a […]

 Sara Swanson

Chamber Spotlight: Village Hair Forum

by Linda Stevens The Village Hair Forum (VHF) is an all-inclusive hair salon, catering to the hair care needs of the whole family with some fun and pampering services as well. It is a relaxed environment where we strive to find your unique style, offering hair cutting and styling, coloring, texturizing treatments and perms, conditioning […]

 Sara Swanson

Chamber Spotlight: Manchester Veterinary Clinic

Manchester Veterinary Clinic, located at 18558 W Austin Rd, has been serving the community’s needs since 1957 and initially served both large and small animals. We have come a long, long way, adapting to the specialized needs of small animals. We now offer geriatric care/acupuncture, advanced dental, high-definition Canon digital radiography, orthopedic and advanced soft-tissue […]

 Marsha Chartrand

REVIEW: ‘Mrs. Kelly’s Journey Home’ charms and delights

by Kenny Frost The stage set is minimalistic and familiar; on the left, a comfortable-looking chair and side table, suitable for perhaps knitting or reading, and on the right, a small dining table. Both are accompanied by a teapot and, importantly, a tea cup with a saucer. In the middle of the stage is a […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Chamber Spotlight: Red Barn Realty

Red Barn Realty LLC — Merrill Guerra, Broker/Owner Fun Facts: The name for Red Barn Realty comes from the red barn that we had when we lived on five acres in Ypsilanti Township. While we lived there we had two cows, a Highland (the big brown, shaggy ones) and a Dexter, two llamas, and tons […]

 Marsha Chartrand

Chamber Spotlight: River Raisin Mercantile

River Raisin Mercantile is excited to announce its five-year-anniversary celebration scheduled for May 7 from 10am to 4pm. Join Sue for discounts, giveaways, and treats. River Raisin Mercantile first opened on May 5, 2017. This date is significant because it would have been Sue’s grandma’s 100th birthday. Her Grandma Kaiser is her inspiration and the […]

 Sara Swanson

May 2022 Gardening Advice

submitted by Jennifer Fairfield, Garden Mill and Manchester Community & School Gardens I don’t know about you, but I could use a little more sunshine than we’ve gotten lately! April was a bit too gloomy for my taste, and didn’t really give me much opportunity to get out into my yard and gardens. Here’s hoping […]

 Sara Swanson

April 2022 Gardening Advice

submitted by Jennifer Fairfield, Garden Mill and Manchester Community & School Gardens In spite of the weather the last week or so, there are definite signs of spring showing up all over — the snowdrops that come up every year in one yard I pass on my way to the store, the pussy willow I […]

 Sara Swanson

Acorn Farmers Market and Café: Apples in the winter

submitted by Laura Wohlgemuth, Acorn Farmers’ Market & Café Event Coordinator  I find it absolutely amazing that even in the cold of winter, we can bite into a fresh, juicy, crunchy Michigan Apple. When asked how farms are able to store these delicious edibles and retain their awesome crunch, Fusilier Family Farms members Mike, Chad, […]

 Sara Swanson

March 2022 Gardening Advice

submitted by Jennifer Fairfield, Garden Mill and Manchester Community & School Gardens The National Weather Service says, “composites depict a strong warm signal” and “Probabilities of above normal precipitation are greater than 50 percent from southern Michigan to western areas of the Ohio Valley…” In other words, they’re predicting that the next couple of months […]

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